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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
This Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost, the time when the disciples are blessed with the Holy Spirit following the death of Jesus at Easter. This is one of the better known passages from the Bible, but one that can be difficult to explore and break open with children. As the disciples are huddled together, afraid about what will come of them now that Jesus is gone, they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to get up and to go out and speak about what He has taught them. The idea of tongues of flame, flickering above the disciples captures the imagination for children and adults alike, but provides an image of faith being flamed into action.
As a faith community, may we continue to experience this fire of faith, and action, to reach out to others in need and to be good people to those around us.
Compass Parent Portal
By now you will have received an email from Compass with your login details for the Compass Parent Portal. The Compass Parent Portal is an online portal that will allow you to interact with your child's school and access up-to-date information.
Once you have logged into the Parent Portal, the functionality to submit Absentee Notes and email your child’s teacher will be active. Click here for instructions on how to do this.
If you did not receive an email from Compass, please email, to ensure we have your correct email details loaded into the system.
Please note, from Monday 24 May, the student absentee capacity on SZapp will be disabled and all absences will need to be submitted via the Compass Parent Portal.
St Joseph’s Community
In recent weeks it has been wonderful to have our school community come together on a number of occasions. Yesterday, the Cross Country carnival was a great event as the sun came out just at the right time so that the parents and grandparents could watch as the students ran their races. On Sunday, even with pretty tough conditions, there was a great turn out for the P&F Community BBQ. Thank you to the P&F and all those who came along, for making it a fun afternoon. I hope that by now, all in our community who may have been away from the school for some time, have now been able to return to our wonderful school for one of the many events this year.
Lost Property
It is very timely to remind all parents – yes, this is you – to please check all articles of clothing that come to school have a name written on them. Hats included. We are fortunate to have a great second hand clothing system, but it is incredibly important to ensure your child’s name is written on the tag – clearly. Names also need to be on lunchboxes and drink bottles. I urge all parents to also make their children responsible for looking after their belongings. About 20 jumpers were returned to students yesterday! It is ok for you to put in place a consequence if they lose their things.
Car Park
I am concerned about some very unsafe practices that have been evident in our car park recently.
- Do not park in the spaces either side of the pedestrian crossing – it is blocking the view of cars and walkers.
- Do not park in the disabled spaces – we have members of our community that require these spaces.
- If you are getting out of your car to collect your child in the afternoon, do not stand in the car park and call your child over to you – please come and wait near the ELC. Then you can walk back to your car via the pedestrian crossing.
- Parking on Boronia St is not permitted – on the road or the nature strip. It reduces visibility and impacts traffic movement. Police will book you if they are in attendance.
These are all reasonable requests to ensure that all our community are safe as they use the car park.
Nachos Day – Tuesday 25 May
Have you ordered your nachos for next Tuesday! Please see the P&F section of the newsletter for more information.
Have a great end to the week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
The Celebration of Pentecost
Pentecost represents the beginning of the Christian Church. It reminds us how Jesus' promise that God would send the Holy Spirit was fulfilled. The festival of Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ.
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, courage, knowledge, reverence, and wonder & awe. As Catholics, we accept these as specific attributes and understand them as examples of how the Holy Spirit will work through us.
This Friday morning at 9:15am, 4 Gold will lead us in a Pentecostal Prayer Celebration. 4 Gold parents and friends are invited to join us.
Breathe in me O Holy Spirit
that my thoughts may all be holy;
Act in me O Holy Spirit
that my works, too, may be holy;
Draw my heart O Holy Spirit
that I love but what is holy;
Strengthen me O Holy Spirit
to defend that is holy;
Guard me then O Holy Spirit
that I always may be holy.
St Joseph’s Sacramental Program
Sacrament of the Eucharist
Holy Communion is scheduled for Sunday 15 August. Enrolment in this Sacrament is for Year 4 students who have made their First Reconciliation, as well as any Year 5 or 6 students who were unable to make this Sacrament previously.
Date of Sacrament: Sunday 15 August
Time: 12:00pm
Registrations: Opening online at the end of Term 2 on the Parish
Sacrament Retreat Day: Tuesday 12 August (for all Year 4 students)
Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Wednesday 28 October. Enrolment for this Sacrament is offered to students in Year 6, who have made their Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Further information regarding enrolments and preparation for this Sacrament will be provided in Term 3.
Date of Sacrament: Thursday 28 October
Time: 5:30pm
Registrations: Opening online at the end of Term 3 on the Parish
Sacrament Retreat Day: TBA
All enrolments and payments must be done via the St Joseph’s Parish Website (not the school Qkr! account). Workbooks will be provided to each student enrolled and are to be completed at home, with their parents.
Combined School & Parish Mass
On Saturday 5 June, we will be celebrating Parish Mass as a whole school community. This will provide us the opportunity to come together as a St Joseph’s community, and celebrate mass together.
There will be a number of opportunities for students to be actively involved in different aspects of the mass. If you are able to attend, and you would like your child to participate, could you please email me to let me know. We would love to see as many families at mass as possible.
St Joseph’s Winter Appeal
This June, we invite you to donate non-perishable food items to our St Joseph's table. These donations will be distributed by St Vincent de Paul to families less fortunate within our local community. Food items can include: canned goods (tinned vegetables, legumes, beans), pasta, rice, long-life milk, biscuits, noodles, spreads & preserves, or cereal.
Important Term 2 Dates:
Michelle Vuli
Religious Education Coordinator
Today some of our classes joined in The National Simultaneous Storytime. This happened both in Library lessons and in class and included a range of activities around the book.
The book this year was Phillip Bunting’s fabulous book- Give me some Space. It was actually read aloud by astronauts from the International Space Station!
This is an annual event with 1 million participants from Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, UK, Canada, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong.
Georgina and Catherine
Cross Country Carnival
What a beautiful day we were blessed with for our Cross Country Carnival on Tuesday. All students tried their best and ran an amazing race. There was a great feeling of encouragement and support as children cheered each other on. Congratulations to Fatima as our winning house for the day and Lourdes taking out the House Spirit award.
Congratulations to the following students who have made it to the North Gungahlin Regional Cross Country Carnival held at Stromlo Forest Park on Friday 4th June. Permission notes will be sent out later this week.Walk to School
Thank you to all students and parents who joined us for National Walk Safely to School day last Friday. We had a great turn out of over 60 students joining us from O’Connor shops.
We will begin walking to school again on a regular basis in Week 4 and 8 of each term as we did prior to COVID restrictions last year. Week 4 will be from O’Connor shops and Week 8 will be from Lyneham shops. We will send out reminders on those weeks.Koby Allan
Sports Coordinator
Last week I sent out an email from DCO to all current Defence families. It included their May 2021 Canberra E news – you can receive the newsletter directly by joining their mailing list. If you have a friend or neighbour who has recently posted to Canberra, encourage them to register so they can keep up to date with upcoming events and activities.
Click here to send an email with the subject line "Please add our family to your mailing list" and include first name & surname.

Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Volunteers Needed!
The uniform shop would love to re-open to the school community for face to face service and assistance.
However we REQUIRE SOME PARENT VOLUNTEERS to do so. Our team will work with what suits your availability - morning or afternoon, any day! We simply require approx. 30 minutes of your time once a week or fortnight. We'll ensure you have a team member with you so you won't be doing it alone.
Be a part of the uniform team! Get involved, meet your school parent community and make friendships along the way!
Please contact Nicole Mahar on
Does your child need a new
water bottle?
The new St Joseph's water bottles have arrived, and for the first couple of weeks come with a little extra inside. The water bottles are available through the Uniform Shop on Qkr! for $12.00 and for a limited time, might have a voucher to the canteen, House Points, extra play time... or even being Principal for the day!
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students receive their award at Friday morning assembly at 8.50am. Parents are again welcome to attend this assembly, but photos will continue to be taken each week and shared via SZapp.
Foundation Red |
Kathrine McG Levi N |
Foundation White |
Wallace B Sahana B |
1 Purple |
Rishaan M Audrey B |
1 Teal |
Charlie G Addison F |
2 Magenta |
Gianluca P Sofia W |
2 Yellow |
Phoebe G Owen H |
3 Black |
Lara S Makur W |
3 Navy |
Zach B Mary C Maddison D |
4 Gold |
Freyja H Ashley F |
4 Green |
Maeve M Lawrence C |
5 Blue |
Nathan N Joseph E Sienna S |
5 Orange |
Reese McG Max M |
6 Lime |
Knox P Leon F-S |
6 Silver |
Pawel W Kristina S |
Sustainability | Chelsea B |