St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 1 Term 2 2021 Newsletter

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Week 1 Term 2 2021 Newsletter

Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,


Welcome back to Term 2. The break began with the most important of times for us as a Catholic faith community. Easter, and the promise of the resurrection of Jesus, gives us faithful hope in the future. As we begin a new school term, and continue to move out of all that 2020 held for everyone around the world, we are hopeful for what lies ahead. We can be thankful for the family and friends that surround us and the good fortune that we are now more able to see and spend time with them. We can be thankful that as a school community, we are able to support those in need and to reach out and make a difference to others. And we can be thankful for each other, the students, teachers, parents and friends that make up the St Joseph’s community. We are looking forward to a wonderful term ahead.

Professional Learning

On Monday, all teachers and Classroom Support Staff participated in a CE System-wide professional learning day. The day was spent learning about and discussing the use of High Impact Teaching Practices (HITPs) in the classroom. Focusing on strategies such as reviewing what has been learnt (not what has been taught), presenting new content in small steps, questioning during the lesson or checking for understanding, allows us to specifically target ways to better support students in their learning and also give direction for further teaching. The day was very valuable and productive.

Community Challenges – St Bede’s Red Hill

On Tuesday evening I attended the Community Consultation town hall meeting for St Bede’s Primary School, Red Hill. In recent weeks, Catholic Education has commenced this consultation with the St Bede’s school community, to determine the school’s viability going forward in the coming years. The reasons for initiating this viability consultation rest significantly on the impact of expected funding challenges resulting from the new Direct Measure of Income (DMI) funding model that determines the level of government funding a school attracts, and also the current enrolment numbers at the school.

As would be expected, this Community Consultation has brought the St Bede’s school community together, to ensure that Catholic Education is aware of the incredible value that comes from being part of a small, community-focused school and the wonderful experiences available to its students. It was very reassuring to hear from parents and students in the meeting, just how much St Bede’s, and all our schools, are valued and needed within our wider communities.

We keep all of the St Bede’s school community, and Catholic Education, in our thoughts and prayers as they work together over the coming months to ensure the continuing history of one of our wonderful schools is preserved in the years to come.

Enrolment Time

We already are starting to look ahead to 2022! The official enrolment period runs for three weeks starting 3 May. However, the enrolment links on our website are now live and the forms available. Please promote our wonderful school to family and friends and encourage them to come for a visit.


Enrolment Open Days – Wednesday 5 May and Monday 10 May 9.30 – 11.00am / Wednesday 12 May 4.30 – 6.00pm. 

Winter is upon us

With winter fast approaching and the prospect of a ski season ahead, please see the sport section if you are interested in finding out more about a St Joseph’s Interschools Team.

Working Bee

Do you own a shovel, what about a pair of gardening gloves? Are you looking for something to do with your spare time? Then look no further…



Please note that the canteen is now open on a Tuesday for over the counter sales at first break. This is also the time that Katie does much of the cooking and planning for the week, so volunteers are always welcome.

School Photos

School photos will be sent home tomorrow. All of the siblings photos are available from the Front Office. The $15 cost is contributed back to the school as a donation from MSP Photography.

Mother's Day Breakfast

On Friday 7 May, we will be holding a Mother's Day Breakfast from 7:45am followed by a Prayer Celebration led by 5 Orange and 1 Teal at 9:15am. We invite all the special women in our community to join us for a cup of coffee and a bacon and egg roll to acknowledge and celebrate all of the wonderful things you do. The cost will be $5 per family and orders and payment will be open on Qkr! next week. 

Have a great weekend.

Yours in Christ, 


He is Risen!

‘Don’t be afraid, I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here! He has been resurrected, just as He said. He is Risen! - Matthew 28

During the school break, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. As we look at our turbulent world, only the power of the resurrection can guarantee peace to our torn and chaotic world. This is the significance of the resurrection. It is the greatest event in human life and without it, there is no salvation, victory over sin and no eternal life. As a school, we acknowledged this time during class prayer on Tuesday morning. This provided the students with an opportunity to understand and reflect all that has been sacrificed for us.


May this declaration resound not only in these walls but touch the lives of all we meet and forever be the truth of which we speak.

Your love, once sown within a garden, tended for your own people, neglected and rejected, now spreads its sweet perfume in this place and wherever it is shown.

Halleluia! Jesus is risen!

‘Faith in the Future’ - 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia

Catholic Schools in Australia celebrate 200 years of catholic education this year. As a Diocese, this event was marked by a Diocesan Mass held at the beginning of the year, attended by teachers, leaders and students from around the Canberra/Goulburn area.

As a school, St Joseph’s will celebrate this significant event during Catholic Schools Week with Year 3 leading us in a Prayer Celebration on Monday 3 May.


Important Term 2 Dates:


Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions and limited numbers we are unable to invite parents to whole school liturgies.

For further information or any questions, please feel free to contact me on via email:

Michelle Vuli

Religious Education Coordinator

Sport News Term 2

ACT Swimming Championships - Wednesday 28 April

Good luck to the following students who will be representing St Joseph’s at ACT Swimming Championships being held next Wednesday 28 April at Stromlo Leisure Centre.

Jordan C, Ben C, Ben L, Lottie W, Samuel S.

Athletics Carnival - Friday 30 April

New permission notes have been sent out this week for our upcoming Athletics Carnival being held next Friday 30 April at Macarthur Oval. We need parent volunteers to allow the day to run smoothly. If you are available on the day and can spare some time, please fill in the bottom of the permission note with your availability and WWVP#. A brief outline of the day is below.



Calling St Joseph’s skiers and snowboarders

Does your child ski or snowboard? We are seeking interest for participation in the 2021 Interschools Snowsports Championships. If your child/children ski or snowboard then this is a great way to have fun and improve their skills while representing our fantastic school on the snow.

What is it?

The Interschools Snowsports Championships is a series of snowsports competitions where students compete for their school as part of a team or individually.

When is it?

The Southern NSW & ACT Interschools Snowsport Championships are to be held at Perisher from Tuesday 20 July to Friday 23 July.

Who can participate?

School students from Kindergarten to Year 12 can compete. Children compete against their own age groups.

Skill level?

School students from all ability levels are encouraged to enter, with an emphasis on fun and participation. It is advised that all competitors are able to execute link turns and ride a chairlift/T-bar confidently prior to competing.

Costs / Accommodation

There are some fees for registering and racing and parents/guardians are responsible for arranging accommodation, meals & tickets for the duration of the Championship (20-23/7/21) which will be held at Perisher. Perisher has guaranteed tickets will be available for purchase by participants for the event dates.

Register Interest

Email Christina Grant ( to ask questions or register your interest. To register a team St Joseph’s will need 3 or more students for at least 1 event type (Alpine, ski or snowboard cross/moguls or cross-country). We will need to decide if we are going to participate by the end of April as school entries open in May 2021.

More Information?

If enough students are interested we will organise an information night / Zoom meeting to share further details. You can also find more information on the Interschools website:

Koby Allan

Sport Coordinator

Defence School Mentor
St Joseph’s Primary School Anzac Day service will be held in the School Hall on Tuesday 27 April at 9.15am.

Sally Adams

Defence School Mentor

Congratulations to this week's award recipients. 

Students receive their award at Friday morning assembly at 8.50am. Parents are again welcome to attend this assembly, but photos will continue to be taken each week and shared via SZapp. 

Foundation Red

Dominic G

Filipa F

Foundation White

Archie A

Hannah P

1 Purple

Tilly McG

Ayla A

1 Teal

Eloise McD

Sebastian P

2 Magenta

Russell G

Chase S

2 Yellow

Kendryck M

Amani N

3 Black

Henry A

Leah F C

3 Navy

Mia B

Julian F

4 Gold

Eoin S

Esmee V F

4 Green

Lily P

Vasili P

5 Blue

Adam S

Addison W

5 Orange

Lucas B

Alyssa S

6 Lime

Sophie M

Jeremy S

6 Silver

Ebenezer A

Tihana B

Sustainability Elise M

Happy birthday to these students celebrating their birthdays this week:


Anthony S
Zachary T
Eoin S
Ashera D