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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
This week is the most significant moment in our religious calendar as we celebrate Holy Week. Holy means “set apart.” Christians set apart an entire week, Holy Week, to recall the events surrounding the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Our ELC and Foundation students began our Holy Week celebrations with Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the triumphant entry of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, into Jerusalem, riding a donkey. On that day, the people laid palms before Him, a gesture reserved for triumphant leaders.
The next major event in Holy Week is Holy Thursday. On this day, Jesus celebrated the Passover feast with the disciples and washed their feet to demonstrate the importance of serving others. After supper, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives and prayed, he was arrested on the night of Holy Thursday. Thank you to our Year 1 and 2 students and Year 3 and 4 students for leading these Prayer Celebrations.
Tomorrow our Year 5 and 6 students will lead us through Good Friday, the day we commemorate the trial, punishment, and crucifixion of Our Lord.
As we celebrate Easter this Sunday, let us take the time to reflect on the true meaning and significance of this day in our Catholic faith.

Carpenter Chronicle
The newspaper staff, comprising of 15 young journalists from Years 4 to 6 have been busy investigating leads, interviewing sources and collecting information to put together the first edition of the Carpenter Chronicle for 2021. Thank you to Mrs McGee for guiding and inspiring our budding journalists. Click here to access the Carpenter Chronicle.
Seasons for Growth
A reminder that next term Mrs Parmenter will begin the Seasons for Growth program. The program is aimed at students who have experienced change, loss or grief.
Participants learn that they are not alone in their experience of change, loss and grief, and are able to build their communication, decision making and problem-solving skills within the context of a safe and supportive peer group learning environment.
If you think your child/ren would benefit from being part of our Seasons for Growth program by coming together in a safe space to share their experiences please email by today, 31 March. The program will begin in Week 1 next term.
House Point Winners
Congratulations to Fatima who was our overall winning House for Term 1. Members of Fatima will receive a Pizza Lunch (2 slices) at second break tomorrow.
The final tally for House Points was:
Fatima – 2713
Loretto – 2268
Lourdes – 2197
Madonna - 1784
Congratulations to all the students for their wonderful achievements this term!
Harmony Day – by Miss Bonner
Congratulations to Celeste P, Louis P and Sophia T for placing first in the Harmony Day Poster Competition and Frankie G, James M and Mia M for placing second. There were many unique interpretations of this year’s theme ‘Everyone Belongs’ and this generated many rich discussions about our cultural diversity within our classrooms. Thank you to the Celebrations Team for organising the competition.
Many ways to celebrate - By Miss Bonner
This weekend many of our families will be celebrating Easter in their own special way. Julian F in 3 Navy and Filipa F in Foundation Red will be celebrating by dying eggs. The hard shell of the egg symbolises the sealed Tomb of Christ and cracking the eggs on Easter Sunday symbolises His resurrection. Stefano V in 4 Gold will be celebrating Greek Orthodox Easter on 2nd May. He will be celebrating by baking Koulourakia biscuits with his mum. We wish all our families a happy and joyful Easter break and hope you enjoy celebrating in your own special way.
P&F Fundraiser
I wish you all a safe and Holy Easter and I hope you enjoy the change of pace during the school holiday period.
Amy Doszpot
Assistant Principal
Holy Week - ‘The Spirit of God Lives in You’ (Romans 8:11)
We celebrate Holy Week this week, the most important time in the Catholic calendar. Lent is a time of spiritual preparation for Easter. The final week of Lent is known as Holy Week. During Holy Week, Christians attend special services which help them to reflect on the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Palm Sunday - On the Sunday before his death, Jesus began his trip to Jerusalem, knowing that soon he would lay down his life for our sins. Jesus made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The crowds welcomed him by waving palm branches in the air and shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!" ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’ John 12:13 |
Washing of the Feet - Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as they prepared to share in the Passover. By performing this humble act of service, Jesus demonstrated by example how believers should love one another. ‘I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you’ John 13:15 |
The Last Supper - As the Lamb of God, Jesus was about to fulfil the meaning of Passover by giving his body to be broken and his blood to be shed in sacrifice, freeing us from sin and death. During this Last Supper, Jesus established the Lord's Supper, or Communion, instructing his followers to continually remember his sacrifice by sharing in the elements of bread and wine. ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst’ John 6:35 |
Praying in the Garden - Later, Jesus and the disciples left the Upper Room and went to the Graden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed in agony to God the Father. Late that evening in Gethsemane, Jesus was betrayed with a kiss by Judas Iscariot and arrested by the Sanhedrin. He was taken to the home of Caiaphas, the High Priest, where the whole council had gathered to begin making their case against Jesus. ‘Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray”. Mark 26:36 |
Good Friday - Good Friday is the most difficult day of Passion Week. Christ's journey turned treacherous and acutely painful in these final hours leading to his death. Jesus endured the shame of false accusations, condemnation, mockery, and abandonment. After multiple unlawful trials, he was sentenced to death. Jesus spoke seven final statements from the cross. His first words were, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." His last words were, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." ‘The passion of Christ is the greatest and most stupendous works of divine love’ Saint Paul of the Cross |
Laying in the Tomb - Jesus' body lay in its tomb, where it was guarded by Roman soldiers throughout the day on Saturday, which was the Sabbath. When the Sabbath ended at 6 pm, Christ's body was ceremonially treated for burial with spices. ‘God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son’ John 3:16 |
The Resurrection - On Resurrection Sunday, or Easter, we reach the culmination of Holy Week. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event of the Christian faith. Early Sunday morning, several women went to the tomb and discovered that the large stone covering the entrance had been rolled away. An angel announced: "Don't be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn't here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen." ‘He is not here, He is rise, just as He said’ Matthew 28:6 |
Important Term 2 Dates:
- ANZAC Day Remembrance Liturgy (Tuesday 27 April) 9:15am
- Catholic Schools Week (Monday 3 May - Friday 7 May)
- Mothers Day Prayer Celebration (Friday 7 May)
- Pentecost Liturgy (Friday 21 May)
Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions and limited numbers we are unable to invite parents to whole school liturgies.
For further information or any questions, please feel free to contact me on via email:
Religious Education Coordinator
Regional Swimming
Congratulations to our Regional Swimming representatives who competed at the North Gungahlin carnival on Monday 29 March. Once final results from the day are released, we will recognise those swimmers that made it to the next level at a morning assembly. Well done Jordan C, Joshua O, Travis M, Samuel S, Ben C, Ben L, Lucas B, Dominic S, Frieda C, Addison F, Lottie W, Maggie M, Zoe B for an amazing effort and great representation of St Joseph’s.
Athletics Carnival - NEW DATE
The new date for the Athletics Carnival is Friday 30th April (Term 2, Week 2). New permission and parent helper notes will be sent home early next term. The day will run to the same time schedule previously communicated.
ACT Primary Tennis Day
There will be an ACT Primary Tennis Day held on 30 April at Canberra Tennis Centre. If any students are interested in representing St Joseph’s please email by 19 April to register. Players must have either; an Australian Ranking, previous tournament experience in Australian Ranking tournaments, Junior Development Series events or overseas tournaments. Students will need to make their own way to the day and have parent supervision. The cost is $10. (Please note this is the same day as our school Athletics Carnival).
AFL U10's Girls
Ainslie Football Club needs 4 more girls to make a team and so have reached out to the local schools. If your girl is born in 2011 or later, they are eligible. The games will commence on April 24 and training will be Thursday afternoons.
Contact Matthew Teasdale on 0455 455 063 or via email matthew.teasdale
Koby Allan
Sport Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
After a term discussing how to be water wise and learning about the importance of preventing rubbish from reaching our oceans, Year 2 created an Action Plan to clean up the wetlands. Kendryck M thought of the idea after seeing a large amount of rubbish in our school drains. “We should do a big clean up so the waste doesn’t go out to our waterways,” he said.

Some other advice came from Year 2’s in regards to conservation:
“Put a short song on and if the song is done put the water off,” said Ian about taking showers.
“Put a bucket outside to catch rainwater,” said Amelia.
Will said, “Reuse your drink bottle water on your plants.”
“You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry.”
Ryan McGee
Our School Challenge during the month of March was to walk 1km with 96 students. The significance of 96 students is because the Kokoda Track, an infamous campaign for Australian troops in WW2 was 96km long. Well done to all the students who attended and made this goal possible.
Our Anzac Day Prayer Ceremony will be held in the school hall Tuesday 27 April at 9.15am. Please join us for a morning tea in the staffroom afterwards. Thank you to all the families who have sent in pictures of past and present service members. You still have time if you have not yet sent in your photo.
Community news
VSA was established to support the health and wellbeing of serving, former serving and family members of the Australian Defence Force, through sport and recreation - Veteran Sport Australia
One of the ways we do this is by encouraging people to join Parkrun. Parkrun run community events all around the world, which take place on Saturday mornings in parks and open spaces. Events consist of a 5km route and are completely free. Running is not compulsory, you can either run, walk, jog, volunteer, take the dog or just spectate.
VSA are inviting the Veteran Community, friends, and supporters to register with parkrun and join ‘Team Veteran’. Our aim is for ‘Team Veteran’ to be the largest parkrun club in Australia, with members participating in any one of the 407 Parkrun locations around Australia.
If you’d like to participate in Parkrun and are not registered follow the link register | parkrun Australia to go to the registration page.
Once registered or if you’re already an existing member then follow the link Groups ( to register for ‘Team Veteran’.
Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Hi Everyone,
What a great start to the year! As it is Easter this Sunday, I will be making special over the counter treats which include Cupcakes $2.00, Cookies $1.00, Donuts $2.00, Homemade Chocolates $0.50 and Mini cheese cakes $1.00.
Many Thanks to all the volunteers that have helped out this term, it has been a pleasure getting to know you all.
I hope you all have a great holiday.
Thanks Katie
Canteen Manager
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students receive their award at Friday morning assembly at 8.50am. Parents are again welcome to attend this assembly, but photos will continue to be taken each week and shared via SZapp.
Foundation Red |
Austin F Laura P |
Foundation White |
Ella S Eden N |
1 Purple |
Christian d Indie M |
1 Teal | Claire A |
2 Magenta |
Levi I Toby S |
2 Yellow |
Sebastian H Evie McG Mirabel P |
3 Black |
Connor J Ishana M Anna S |
3 Navy |
Marvin r Emanuel S Scarlett S |
4 Gold |
Imogen W Atem M |
4 Green |
Louis P Emilia R |
5 Blue |
Dev J Zoe G |
5 Orange |
Kinley T Yuetsho W |
6 Lime |
Sophie P Leon F-S |
6 Silver |
Amelia G Kristina S Kennedy W |
Sustainability | Kendryck M |
Happy birthday to these students celebrating their birthdays this week and over the school holidays:
Hudson W | Dexta W | Joshua G |
Annabelle F | Harry F | Sebastian H |
Ishana M | Maria P | Mia R |
Alexander B | Tresa S | Edward V F |
Charles P | Charlie G | Julian F |
Lottie W-B | Kristian S | Evie McG |
Filipa F | Stefano V | Dev J |
Roshni N | Chloe A | Erika A |
Maddison D | Violet W | Yvonne G |