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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
A Prayer for Self-Compassion
When I must face loss, may I feel your tenderness -- the tenderness of my own being. When I hurt, grant me the patience to heal in my own time, my own way. For every frustration and mistake, may I uncover the strength to lean in and listen, and to not turn away.
Bring to my experience a sense of awe for life and for myself, so that I can keep opening up to this moment. Show me how self-compassion and forgiveness are the roots of courage and resilience.
Through this compassionate awareness, may I see myself more clearly. May I know myself in my entirety.
Foundation Orientation
Today we welcomed our 52 Foundation students for 2021. There was excitement from children and parents alike as they learned all about ‘big school’ at St Joseph’s. We look forward to seeing our new Foundies again at our next orientation day on Thursday 19 November.

Congratulations to Cameron and Melanie who were both nominated for the 2020 Catholic Education Recognition Awards. They were nominated in the category of Mission for their work in leading the implementation of Conceptual Inquiry in Religious Education at St Joseph’s. I think I speak on behalf of all the staff when I say this nomination was well and truly deserved.
Social and Emotional Learning
This week my focus in the classrooms has been on self-compassion. Self-compassion means treating ourselves with the same kindness, warmth, and support that we would show a good friend. We always offer our friends words of support and encouragement when they are faced with challenges but often when confronting our own difficulties our self-talk can be negative. I am also challenging the students to give themselves compliments. We readily give compliments to others but forget the importance of complimenting ourselves as a way to recognise the things that make us unique and build our confidence by reminding ourselves about what makes us great. I encourage you to take some time to give yourself a compliment (or two) this week!
Spotlight on Learning
Congratulations to Ashley F, Frieda C and Celeste P in Year 5, along with Chime D, Rose W and Chloe C in Year 6 who were the St Joseph’s winners of the Next Level Writing Competition. Five schools participated in the competition which is the brainchild of our very own Mr Stephens. The winning entries will be included in a published anthology that will be available from our school library next year. I know I cannot wait to get my hands on it!
Yours in Christ,
Amy Doszpot
Assistant Principal
Religious Life of St Joseph's
Our St Joseph Charism
Our Week 4 focus is:
Sacrament of Confirmation
Last Sunday, 30 children in our community made the Sacrament of Confirmation. While the Sacraments this year has been very different due to Covid 19, the two masses were a wonderful opportunity to celebrate this significant milestone in the faith journey of our Year 6 students and their families. We are so grateful that we could share this experience with them.
Abagail | Chloe | Maxwell |
Alarna | Christelle | Noel |
Alec | Cindy | Rea |
Alyssa | Isabel | Rose |
Amelia | Lachlan | Sam |
Andie | Laura | Sophia |
Angelo | Liam | Thomas |
Bridgette | Madeleine | Tomas |
Chelsea | Madeline | Wylie |
Social Justice Mission Market Day
Last Friday, 30 October we held our Mission Market Day to raise money for our Global School Partner - Riamabana Orphanage Academy, Kenya. Each class prepared and ran a stall, with classes coming through the market one at a time to ensure that we were Covid compliant. It was wonderful to see the excitement of both the children running the stalls and those coming through to make their purchases.
The Market Day was an outstanding success with over $2700 raised. Thank you for your ongoing support of this important day and Riamabana. All money raised will be donated to Riamabana Orphanage Academy to support meeting the basic needs of the students and ongoing maintenance.
In 2020, floods, locust plagues, drought, COVID-19 and a famine has been impacting people in Kenya. The main priority is to provide the basic necessities for the children. Schools in Kenya have been closed since March. Schools are scheduled to reopen in January 2021, with all students repeating the entire year. When schools reopen they must provide hand washing with soap, sanitiser, face masks and enough desks to enable physical distancing between students.
In addition, Riamabana’s water tank has collapsed and must be replaced to provide water access. The estimate is that on average, Global School Partner schools in Kenya will need approximately $1,500 AUD worth of PPE just to be allowed to re-open. We know that our donation will have a significant impact on supporting the children at Riamabana in a time of great need.
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
Market day was not only a charitable success, but a sustainable one as well! Students took a mindful approach to packaging, creating and reusing which reduced our waste output considerably from years prior!
Year 4 provided a no-waste activity with a nerf gun shooting range.
Year 2 provided pre-loved items to a new home.
Year 6 wrapped lolly bags in newspaper.
Year 1 planted seeds in reused berry punnets.
“Recycle the present, save the future.” -Anonymous
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator
Defence School Mentor News
During the week, 5 Blue made contact with Lieutenant Jedd Goggin currently working in Bahrain. The students individually asked Jedd a number of questions including where he is working and what he misses most from back home. He spoke passionately about his role in the Defence forces and loves the opportunities that have been presented to him within this role. The students were thoroughly engaged, they even took notes!
Remembrance Day is next week, Wednesday 11 November at 10:30 am followed by morning tea. Thanks to the families who have RSVP’d so far. Thanks to Leon and Josie for working on our stage decorations.
Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Hi everyone,
The canteen is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week for counter service during both lunch breaks and for online lunch orders.
Volunteers are still very welcome and much needed, particularly on a Friday.
If you have any time at all, even 30 minutes on those days, anytime between 9am and 2pm, I welcome the help and the company.
Just let me know via email:, or by text message: 0433844886.
Donations are always welcome. This term the canteen is in need of:
Smart Pasta
Wholemeal Flour
Sodium Bicarbonate powder
Dish washing liquid
Dish cloths
Golden Syrup
Baking paper
Donations keep the costs of running the canteen just that little bit lower so we can keep the prices as affordable as possible.
The kids favourite thing from the new menu so far has been the 20 cent frozen yoghurt cubes. These are simply frozen fruit, blended with yoplait 'For Me' vanilla yoghurt then frozen in an ice cube tray. They're like a mini smoothie and so nice on a hot day.
I am looking forward to a fun, and busy, final term of 2020.
Yours in healthy food,
Ms Young
Canteen Manager
St Joseph's School
The Uniform Shop Is Looking For New Members!
The Uniform Shop needs new members! The Uniform Shop provides a uniform delivery service of both new and second-hand uniforms to St Joseph’s school families. Members of the Uniform Shop volunteer some of their time to help organise children’s uniform orders. New team members will get training about how the ordering system on Qkr works, as well as how to organise and deliver uniforms. The uniform shop is open once a week on Thursday, 8:30-9:00 am and supports members to take flexible shifts. Additional help is needed urgently because right now there are only three uniform team members.
Uniform member Kate says, “It is like being in a community.” Monique says she loves volunteering in the Uniform Shop because, “You get to know the teachers, parents and the kids.”
All profits from the uniform shop go to the P&F and are used to buy school resources, equipment and support the running of the canteen. If you think that joining our team of fun and committed volunteers is something you can do, please contact
Kate Osborn at or on 0423 103 015
Uniform Shop Prices
This year has been challenging, from home-schooling to playing soccer while (attempting) self-distancing! Our wonderful school and our P&F have not been immune to the effects of 2020: we had to cancel the fete, and numerous other fun events. But rest assured we have some great things on the horizon.
However, we want to ensure that we continue to provide for the kids as best we can. So, for the first time in years, our uniform shop will be altering our prices. We know that this might come as a shock to you, but please know that every cent of profit goes back into our school.
Over the years we have provided play equipment, barbecues, helped fund farewells and even shifted a couple of tonne of mulch! We want to continue to do these things even if we can’t fundraise in the usual way!
Our prices will change on 24 September 2020. The new prices will be available in Qkr! that same day.
Thank you to everyone for your donations of second-hand summer uniform! Prices for these items will remain at $5.
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students are now receiving their Awards at Morning Gathering on Friday, but we are still unable to welcome parents to join us.
Foundation Red |
Charles P Tilly McG |
Foundation White |
Christian D Rudhra N |
1 Purple |
Sebastian H Conor McG |
1 Teal |
Vairaj B Sofia W |
2 Magenta |
Amelia F Connor J |
2 Yellow |
Marcos D-C Ryan McD |
3 Black |
Blake B Maeve M |
3 Navy |
Christopher B Aidan McG |
4 Gold |
Diego L Nathan N Dominic S |
4 Green |
Sienna S Maggie M |
5 Blue |
Knox P Frankie Q |
5 Orange |
Joshua G Mia R |
6 Lime |
Harry S Chelsea P |
6 Silver |
Aryan B Alyssa D |
Sustainability |
Ayla A |
Netball | Anthony S |