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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
Welcome back to Term 4. There is already some bite to the sun, so summer is definitely on the way! I hope that all families enjoyed some time away from the busyness of the school routine over the past two weeks. We have an exciting term ahead, albeit still impacted by COVID restrictions that are currently in place. Pleasingly in recent days there have been some restrictions eased across the ACT, that will allow for some of our usual ‘end of year’ events to go ahead in some way. I will provide an update before the end of the week with further details.
The holiday break allowed for continued progress with our building project. While the heavy rainfall has had an impact on the completion of the new classrooms, we are expecting to be able to move into the beautiful new building by mid-term. Today, I again took a walk through the new classrooms to give you all an insight into what awaits us all!

Today we welcomed back Mrs Parmenter, after her long absence from St Joseph’s. It was lovely to see the children so happy to see her. We also welcome Ms Emily Butler to St Joseph’s in a full-time capacity for Term 4. Ms Butler will be teaching 1 Purple, as Mrs Nesci continues to need to have time away from school.
All staff have returned to school eager and ready for the term ahead, having planned engaging and challenging learning for the students. It is also worthwhile noting that our staff continue to be learners as well; we currently have 6 staff completing studies in Masters of Education across a number of disciplines, all of which builds capacity and ensures we have a dynamic and professional learning community. I thank all of our staff for their commitment and dedication to our school.
Book Week
Next week is Book Week, postponed from earlier in the year. While we do not have a Library that has been able to be the focus for Book Week this year, all classes have already been exposed to the shortlisted books as part of their Library lessons in Term 3. There have also been some initial activities to get us ready for the event.
Next Wednesday, 21 October will be our traditional Book Week costume parade. Even though we are unable to welcome our parents and friends into the school to join with us on the day, all students are still encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character, or perhaps something inspired by the 2020 Book Week theme, Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. On the morning, we will have the students parade through the school, sharing their costumes with the other classes. We will also post class photos to Seesaw and on SZapp.
As mentioned previously, there are new guidelines that are coming into effect that may ease some of the measures that we have had in place in recent months. However, all members of our school community are still required to follow these simple healthy habits that have kept us safe:
- Wash hands regularly throughout the day.
- Use the hand sanitiser that is available around the school.
- Use a tissue and throw it in the bin when you need to.
- Bring a water to bottle to school every day – the bubblers are remaining closed at this stage.
- If you are unwell, please remain away from school.
- All adult visitors to the school must still enter via the Front Office and sign in / out, agreeing to the Health Declaration information near the iPad.
Have a great end to the week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
At times in our community, we have the need to welcome new families, celebrate new arrivals and to keep others in our thoughts and prayers. Please feel free to let the school know anything that you would like mentioned in the newsletter.
- Our sympathies and thoughts are with Amelia M (6 Silver) and her family on the passing of her grandmother.
Religious Life of St Joseph's
Our St Joseph Charism
Our week 1 focus is:
Sacrament of Confirmation
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation commenced before the school holidays as a home based program. Our Confirmation Masses will be held on the 1st November at 2.00pm and 3.00pm. Nominating a Mass preference for Confirmation candidate families can be done at
Please keep these children in your prayers as they prepare for this important milestone in their faith journey.
Abagail | Chloe | Maxwell |
Alarna | Christelle | Noel |
Alec | Cindy | Rea |
Alyssa | Isabel | Rose |
Amelia | Lachlan | Sam |
Andie | Laura | Sophia |
Angelo | Liam | Thomas |
Bridgette | Madeleine | Tomas |
Chelsea | Madeline | Wylie |
Grandparents and Special Friends Day
Our students have been busy writing letters to their grandparents and special people which we will post this Friday. Please help us with this surprise by sending in addressed envelopes with your children. We will celebrate our Grandparents and Special Friends Day this year with a Prayer Celebration shared with our grandparents and special people shared online. Class teachers have asked for photos of grandparents and special people to add to the slideshow. More information with a link to the Prayer Celebration will be shared next week via Szapp and Seesaw.
Archbishop's Pastoral Visit
Archbishop Christopher Prowse has started the process of conducting pastoral visits to parishes, schools and other communities within the Archdiocese. Archbishop Prowse will be visiting St Joseph's Parish for Holy Hour and to meet with parishioners in the Parish Centre on Thursday 15 October 2020 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
In order to adhere with COVID-19 requirements, please register for the Holy Hour and the catch-up at:
10 Year Anniversary of the Canonisation of St Mary MacKillop
Mary of the Cross MacKillop was canonised in Rome, the first canonised saint for Australia and a saint for the universal Church, on October 17, 2010. A significant requirement for a canonisation is the attribution of a miracle to the intercession of the person to be canonised. Saint Mary of the Cross was beatified by Pope John Paul II at Randwick Racecourse on January 19, 1995. She was, by that proclamation, a saint for Australia. The next step was to seek her canonisation, a step that would recognise her as a saint for the universal church. This process required proof of her intercession by the recognition of another miracle which was needed to take place after the beatification. This miracle was confirmed through the extraordinary cure of Mrs Kathleen Evans through the intercession of Mary on December 19, 2009.
As we commemorate Mary’s Canonisation, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart have created the free prayer booklet titled 'Encountering St Mary MacKillop in Prayer'. You are invited to join in ten days of prayer in preparation for the anniversary of St Mary of the Cross’s canonisation available at:
Social Justice Mission Market Day
Our usual fundraising has not taken place this year as we have navigated life under Covid restrictions. However, we are pleased to be able to hold our annual Mission Market Day to raise much needed funds for our Global Partner School Riamabana. Our Market Day will be held on Friday 30th October. All classes will run a stall in the Hall, with classes coming through one at a time to ensure that we are Covid compliant. Each class will decide on the product or service they will be offering at the Market Stall. Your class teachers will be requesting donations relevant to the class stall over the coming weeks. We look forward to being able to share more about our fundraising ideas with you soon.
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
Raffle Success!
Congratulations to Marial, who won the first prize for the Ooshies Recycling Raffle. Year 6s began collecting Ooshies last term to save them from landfill, and will do more drawings for Ooshie donations later this week. Stay tuned for a “Guess How Many” game next week as well!
Plants Respond to Kindness
Year 1 has transferred their bean seeds to soil. After reading “One Tree,” a story about a grandfather who talks to his plants, students wondered if plants grew better when spoken to kindly. Every great science experiment begins with an intelligent question, so Year 1 planted two bean seeds separately and only gave verbal encouragement. “It worked!” Said Leilani. “The plant we talked to has more roots and is bigger!” She said.

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”-Audrey Hepburn
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator
Defence School Mentor News
Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Hi everyone,
I hope the last two weeks have been great, with Canberra turning on some fantastic weather over the long weekend.
I have been busy creating a summer menu and updating Qkr!. You will notice some changes on the app.
When you want to order nuggets tap on 'Chicken Nuggets' and then choose how many 3 or 6. A similar option exists for salads where you are able to choose what topping you would like with your salad; chicken, tuna, ham, boiled egg, cheese. You can choose multiple options.
Sandwiches have the option of wrap or sandwich and the vegemite sandwich has the additional option of cheese! Yum.
There is a snack menu as well where options such as corn on the cob, or anzac biscuits can be added.
I know many of you would like to see meal deals return. I was hoping to have this for Term 4, unfortunately I have been unable to have it completely ready for this term, but we will see them next year.
I am looking forward to seeing all of the kids gorgeous faces for the last term of the year.
And don't forget, if you forget to place an order you can call the front office, or myself 0433844886 and we will make sure your child gets lunch.
Any suggestions for the canteen can be emailed to:
Ms Young
Canteen Manager
St Joseph's School
The Uniform Shop Is Looking For New Members!
The Uniform Shop needs new members! The Uniform Shop provides a uniform delivery service of both new and second-hand uniforms to St Joseph’s school families. Members of the Uniform Shop volunteer some of their time to help organise children’s uniform orders. New team members will get training about how the ordering system on Qkr works, as well as how to organise and deliver uniforms. The uniform shop is open once a week on Thursday, 8:30-9:00 am and supports members to take flexible shifts. Additional help is needed urgently because right now there are only three uniform team members.
Uniform member Kate says, “It is like being in a community.” Monique says she loves volunteering in the Uniform Shop because, “You get to know the teachers, parents and the kids.”
All profits from the uniform shop go to the P&F and are used to buy school resources, equipment and support the running of the canteen. If you think that joining our team of fun and committed volunteers is something you can do, please contact
Kate Osborn at or on 0423 103 015
Uniform Shop Prices
This year has been challenging, from home-schooling to playing soccer while (attempting) self-distancing! Our wonderful school and our P&F have not been immune to the effects of 2020: we had to cancel the fete, and numerous other fun events. But rest assured we have some great things on the horizon.
However, we want to ensure that we continue to provide for the kids as best we can. So, for the first time in years, our uniform shop will be altering our prices. We know that this might come as a shock to you, but please know that every cent of profit goes back into our school.
Over the years we have provided play equipment, barbecues, helped fund farewells and even shifted a couple of tonne of mulch! We want to continue to do these things even if we can’t fundraise in the usual way!
Our prices will change on 24 September 2020. The new prices will be available in Qkr! that same day.
Thank you to everyone for your donations of second-hand summer uniform! Prices for these items will remain at $5.
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students are now receiving their Awards at Morning Gathering on Friday, but we are still unable to welcome parents to join us.
Foundation Red |
Xander W Addison F |
Foundation White |
Ryan L Raksha N |
1 Purple |
Sophia T William C |
1 Teal |
Phoebe G Jacob S |
2 Magenta |
Holly H Lara S |
2 Yellow |
Maddison D Leah F |
3 Black |
Kayla N Lily P |
3 Navy |
Zoe H Georgina G |
4 Gold |
Josephine B Lekzeen G |
4 Green |
Dev J Dexta W Lottie W-B |
5 Blue |
Jaime W Josephine S |
5 Orange |
Elise M Pawel W |
6 Lime |
Alex S Cindy L |
6 Silver |
Wylie A Samten D |
Sustainability | Harry F |