St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 1 Term 2 2019 Newsletter

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Week 1 Term 2 2019 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Term 2! I trust that you all enjoyed the break from the busy school routine, but have also valued getting back to normal this week. The students have returned posititively and are already engaging in new learning and setting challenges for the term ahead.

This week we welcomed Deki N and Kinley N, Isabella H, Mirabel P and Gharub N and their families to the St Joseph's community. All the students were very excited to have new members of their classes to make feel welcome.

Today marks the first time the newsletter is being prepared and shared via the Schoolzine platform and app - SZApp. Thank you to those who have been able to download the app and hopefully now, are enjoying the new format. As with anything new, there will be a period of getting to know the layout and how best to maximise the potential. In the coming weeks, we welcome any feedback or ideas to further improve on this important form of communication.


Earlier this week we come together to celebrate as a faith community, the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. The fulfillment of His promise, gives us hope as faithful people that through this example of love and service to others, that we too can be Christ-like to those around us. 

Today we commemorated ANZAC day as a community, led for the first time by Mrs Sally Adams, our Defence Support Mentor, as well as the defence students within our school. Thank you to all those who were able to attend our events this week.

On Friday we have a working bee to tidy up the school gardens and to prepare for the enrolment period in the coming weeks. 


Next week is a busy week, with 4 Blue leading the Class Assembly on Monday afternoon at 2.15pm in the Hall. On Thursday we are celebrating Mothers' Day with a breakfast followed by a Prayer Celebration at 9.15am. On Friday we have the Athletics Carnival at Merici, from 9.30am to 2.15pm. All members of the school community are invited to these events. 

Enrolment Period

We are now accepting enrolment applications for the 2020 school year. 

You are invited to join us for a tour of our wonderful school to learn more about what we have to offer your child.


Wednesday 8 May 9.30 – 11.00am & 5.00 – 6.30pm

Monday 13 May & Thursday 23 May 9.30 – 11.00am

Yours in Christ
Cameron Tarrant


Term 2 commenced with us gathering as a faith community in the hall for our Easter Prayer Celebration. Year 6 led us through the story of Easter, when Mary Magdalene and some other women went before dawn to the tomb where Jesus was laid to find the guards asleep and Jesus’ body not there. The women responded to this news by running to the disciples who understandably had a difficult time believing them and had to go to the tomb to see for themselves.

Each of the four Gospels tells us that Jesus' empty tomb was first discovered by women. This is notable because in first-century Jewish society women could not serve as legal witnesses. Mary runs to alert Simon Peter and the beloved disciple. Simon Peter and the beloved disciple race to the tomb, presumably to verify Mary's report.

The beloved disciple arrives first but does not enter the tomb until after Simon Peter. This detail paints a vivid picture, as does the detail provided about the burial cloths. Some scholars believe that the presence of the burial cloths in the tomb offers evidence to the listener that Jesus' body had not been stolen (it is understood that grave robbers would have taken the burial cloths together with the body).

 Although our own Easter celebrations may feel like they occurred some time ago, we are in fact still in the early weeks of the Liturgical Season of Eastertide. Eastertide is the period of 50 days, spanning from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday and is symbolised by the colour white in the Catholic Church. In the weeks ahead, the Gospel readings will show us how the disciples came to believe in Jesus' Resurrection through his appearances to them.

Student Prayer Focus

Our Student Prayer Focus this week centres the events of Easter through hearing the scriptures and students responding to the question:

What do I wonder about Easter?

Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator


Happy birthday this week to:

Liam B

Zoe P

James M

Birthday Cake.png