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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
God our father, we give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old.
We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation; may they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith in joy and sacrifice.
We pray for our own fathers around the world whose children are lost or suffering; may they know that the god of compassion walks with them in their sorrow.
We pray for men who are not fathers but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice.
We remember fathers, grandfather, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love.
Father’s Day
This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day and hope that all the dads, granddads, uncles, and the important men in our lives, have a wonderful day. Thank you for all that you do to support and care for us.
On Friday at 12 o’clock, we will host a Zoom Father’s Day Prayer Liturgy, that all parents are welcome to ‘attend’. The link below will give you access to the prayer. Each class will also be joining the Zoom prayer, from their classrooms, so it is asked that there is no recording of the Prayer Liturgy. All parents are also asked to have their camera and microphones off – as you can imagine it will be a little hard to manage 285 students all trying to wave to their parents! We look forward to having many of you join us on the day.;
Also because we aren’t able to celebrate as a community like we would normally, a small gift will be coming home with the eldest in each family, to be given to dad, or granddad, or an uncle or other important male. Please keep an eye out for this… I assure you, there aren’t meant to be any empty wrappers as part of this gift!
Don't forget that on Friday, students are invited to come to school dressed up as their father or significant male in their lives.
Donation to the School
Last week, Zoe from the Athlete’s Foot visited the school and presented a cheque for $500. This donation is from our involvement in the School Rewards Program, where for every pair of school shoes one of our students purchases, we receive $5 back from them. Over the years they have donated almost $5000 back to the school. To continue this relationship and on going donation, make sure you mention you are from St Joseph’s Primary School if you and your family shop at The Athlete’s Foot.
Friendly Rivalry
Last Saturday the Starfish (red) and Barracudas (white) played a very tight, energetic and entertaining game as part of the U9 Soccer competition at Majura FC. It is great to see our students involved in weekend sport, particularly playing together with their friends from St Joseph’s.
Great Learning and Teaching
We want to showcase some wonderful examples of the learning that is taking place across our school. Well done to all the students on their efforts to ask great questions, take on feedback and to challenge themselves.
Foundation Red – Indie M and Addison F shared their weather and seasons work, showing some spring trees that have flowers, rather than winter trees that have no leaves. | |
Foundation White – Audrey B and Aria F have been writing recounts and retells, including some great drawings and fantastic handwriting. | |
1 Teal – Toby S and Annabelle F have been researching about Australian animals. They used a graphic organiser to take notes and to present their information. | |
4 Green - Antonija K and Yuetsho shared parts of their diary writings. They had to take on the persona of a pioneer and reflect both factual knowledge, as well as creative text structure. |
Building Update
Today we had the chance to have another walk through the new building and start to plan what new breakout space furniture we need. It is exciting to think about what it will all look like!

Have a great end to your week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
At times in our community, we have the need to welcome new families, celebrate new arrivals and to keep others in our thoughts and prayers. Each week from now, we have added this section to our newsletter to share with the community.
- Our deepest sympathies and thoughts are with Mrs Cathy Viney, our Classroom Support Assistant, and her children Stuart and Emily, on the passing of their husband and father, Neil. After a long battle with illness, Neil passed away on Sunday. Please keep Cathy and her family in your prayers.
Religious Life of St Joseph's
Happy Sabbath Week
Week 7 of every term is Sabbath Week. Sabbath week is a deliberate week of rest and comes from the Biblical seventh day as a rest day. During this week, as a staff, we place a pause on regular meetings and make the most of this time for rest and renewal with our families. What will you do as a family this Sabbath Week?
Our St Joseph Charism
As we strive to deepen our St Joseph’s charism our focus this week is connected to Sabbath Week. The focus was broken open during Friday prayer led by Year 6 last week and students receive additional house points when they are seen displaying the weekly focus. Our Week 7 focus is:
Father’s Day Prayer Celebration
This Friday we are so excited to be able to invite you to join us for our ‘Virtual’ Father’s Day Prayer Celebration via Zoom. Our Prayer Celebration will be led by children in all classes across the school with individual classes joining from their own classrooms. You can participate by joining remotely at this link:
First Holy Communion
Please keep these children in your prayers as they prepare to make the Sacrament of First Holy Communion with their families on Sunday 13th September.
Families have been asked to nominate a Mass preference at the Mass sign up link Mass sign up
Violet | Pritika | James |
Adah | Benjamin | Alexander |
Myah | Diego | Maggie |
Georgina | Maria | Joseph |
Jack | Troy | Dominic |
Anthony | Benjamin | Erika |
Hudson | Anthony | Reese |
Bridget | Hamish | Lottie |
Jacob | Nathan | Zoe |
Sam | Daniel | Jacob |
Marnie | Lucy | Max |
Josephine | Antonija |
Formation for The Sacrament of Confirmation will be a home-based program. Formation materials will be sent home in Week 9. Families can choose when to do the sessions and are welcome to join with other families to share the experience. A Retreat Day in the Parish Centre is planned for Friday 30 October. The Sacrament date is Sunday 1 November with separate masses as required with numbers.
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
After a lesson on Aboriginal artwork with Mrs. Fletcher, Year 1 has begun the rainbow serpent that we hope will grow with St. Joseph’s. The snake was placed along the footpath for walkers to admire as they pass our school. We are hopeful there will be many additions to our serpent from Joeys for years to come!

Green Team was happy to get their hands dirty and sort through hundreds of coffee capsules as we send our first shipment to Terracycle. Unfortunately, not all capsule makers offer recycling for their products, and we ask that only the following brands be brought for collection: L’or, Moccona, illy and Nespresso. And while recycling is always good, Joeys know that reducing is best!
“Reuse the past. Recycle the present. Save the future.”-Anonymous
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator
Thank You!
A big thank you to our wonderful families who have dropped off uniforms to go into the second-hand clothing pool. We have a large range of items available at a very cheap price! More donations are always welcome.
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students are now receiving their Awards at Morning Gathering on Friday, but we are still unable to welcome parents to join us.
Foundation Red |
Charles P Sebastian P |
Foundation White |
Charlie G Aria F |
1 Purple |
Sebastian H Chase S |
1 Teal |
Clementine C James S |
2 Magenta |
Anna S Namgay T |
2 Yellow |
Ryan McD Edward V-F |
3 Black |
Freyja H Hamish McR |
3 Navy |
Myah A Jimmy P |
4 Gold |
Oliver A Alex W Lekzeen G Sam S |
4 Green |
Maggie M Benjamin C |
5 Blue |
Jordan L Kennedy W |
5 Orange |
Amelia G Kristian S |
6 Lime |
Nellie R Chime D |
6 Silver |
Abagail W Thomas E |
Sustainability |
Hayden S |