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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph's Community,
This week the topic in one of my Principals meetings was centred on HOPE. As you can imagine, the conversation most definitely reflected the current situation we all find ourselves and the desire to maintain hope. We all have such a clear idea of what we want – to return to normal, or to be able to be carefree once again. Yet we are surrounded by reminders of the challenges that we are all being called to face, and we continue to do this together.
One Principal asked what is the difference between hope and faith. I took the chance to give my thoughts – I think that hope is something that we feel we still have a degree of control over. We are more able to identify possible steps to realise our hopes. Faith, perhaps is something deeper where we surrender our hopes to others and to God.
Hope opens new horizons, making us capable of dreaming what is not even imaginable.
Outstanding learning and teaching
Our core business is learning and teaching. With many distractions and events currently not possible in the school, we have the opportunity to focus on what we do best – teaching with passion and marvelling at learning. This learning is infectious within the students and the staff.
1 Teal creating fractions pizzas - Sophia M, Ajmer S |
Foundation Pink demonstrating addition in multiple ways - Ivy E, Claire A |
2 Yellow using descriptive language in their writing - Dylan M |
3 Black building fractions walls to show equivalence - Kayla N |
2 Magenta describing intricate shapes by naming 2D shapes - Holly H |
6 Silver designing advertisements using online apps - Wylie A |
COVID-19 Update
As previously communicated, schools in the ACT have remained at Stage 2.2 restrictions for the start of Term 3. These current restrictions maintain the protocols that were in place in the school at the end of Term 2. Please see below a link to a very easy to read Roadmap to the easing of restrictions for Catholic Schools.
Parenting Ideas – Sleep Tips
This week the attached article from Parenting Ideas focuses on developing good sleep patterns for our children. I have been fortunate with my three children to have good sleepers, but I do know that this can be a significant challenge at times and it can impact the whole family. The parenting Ideas website has many great resources to provide information for parents.
Book Week 2020
Don’t panic… yet! Book Week in 2020 has moved into Term 4, to hopefully allow for current restrictions to ease. Please note the new dates for Book Week – 19 to 23 October. 23 October is also set down as our Grandparents / Friends Day.
Building Project
A new week and new photos! After doing an extended walk through both building sites this week, I can really start to see the new classrooms taking shape – they are just going to be fantastic! The downstairs classroom demolition is almost complete, but will require Year 5 and 6 to remain in the Hall until the end of next week. The builders have been cutting out new, larger window openings and preparing to bring the courtyard wall out in line with the upstairs breakout area. It will be so much brighter and engaging.

Family Maths Week
Thank you to all participants of the Family Math Week! Here are are few of our families playing games on Monday and enjoying the Kahoot Quiz from Tuesday. Please follow the link on Seesaw if your family would like to join in. A big shout out to our Year 5 and 6 students for all of their fantastic efforts to create the website and activities for our Virtual Family Maths Week!
Congratulations to the winners of our daily raffle so far for posting their photos on Seesaw.

Hats on in August
From Monday 3 August, all students need to wear their hats when on the playground. This is inline with advice from the Cancer Council ACT. Please ensure your child’s name is on their hat.
For those families with children enrolling at St Joseph’s in 2021, please return the acceptance of offer and signed Parent Commitment Agreement by Friday 31 July.
School Photos
Please remember that school photos are next Monday 3 August for the primary school and beginning of the week ELC students. End of the week ELC students and any missed photos will be taken Friday 7 August.
Have a great end to the week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
Saint Mary Mackillop Feast Day
The Feast day of Saint Mary Mackillop is on the 8th August. Next Friday the 7th August we will celebrate as a school in classrooms. In preparation for our Feast Day I would like to share some of Mary’s life from the Sisters of St Joseph Website.
As I communicated last week we are so excited to proceed with our Sacraments this year. The format will need to be flexible and open to change as we comply with Covid 19 restrictions. If you have not enrolled please enrol as soon as possible at this link:
While are still finalising some specific details, the following plans are in place.
The postponed Retreat Day to be held in the Parish Centre and scheduled in the coming weeks. Students will be able to make the Sacrament during the retreat or if parents wish to be present they can take their child to one of the parish confession sessions. Students making the Sacrament will receive their certificate and share a celebratory cake during the retreat.
First Holy Communion
Formation for First Holy Communion will be a home based program. There will be formation for both children and parents. Families can choose when to do the sessions and are welcome to join with other families to share the experience. A Retreat Day will be held in the Parish Centre before the Sacrament on a date to be confirmed. The Sacrament date is Sunday 13 September with separate masses as required with numbers.
Formation for The Sacrament of Confirmation will be a home based program. There would be formation for both children and parents. Families can choose when to do the sessions and are welcome to join with other families to share the experience. A Retreat Day will be held in the Parish Centre before the Sacrament on a date to be confirmed. The Sacrament date is Sunday 1 November with separate masses as required with numbers.
Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
As Year 1 dives into stories of Creation and looking after God’s earth, they have begun to care for their environment beginning with their lunchboxes. Celebrating Plastic Free July as well, Year 1 has come up with these helpful tips for making lunch more sustainable and saving the planet one wrapper at a time:
“The wrapper on my banana isn’t plastic,” said Ajmer S.
“My apple is healthy and good for you and it can help a wobbly tooth come out. You can put it in the compost for worms to eat when you are done,” said Fergus.
I use reusable containers over and over again,” said Liam B. l
“If you use yogurt packets, you can put the lids into ids for Kids,” said Eddie.
“I reuse my metal fork all of the time so that I do not make any waste,” said Mae T.
We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly -Anne Marie Benneau
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator
Defence School Mentor News
Australian National Flag protocols
Parent invitation – each week during morning gathering we raise the Australian Flag and sing our National Anthem. A team of year 6 students are responsible for raising the flag.
I am extending an invitation to our Defence parents to help familiarise and inspire these students in the correct protocols. If you would be interested in hosting a half hour (approx.) session with our year 6 students please let me know by email.
Virtual Prep 4 Pathways - RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING, Convert Service Experience into Civilian Qualifications
Since 2006 Churchill Education has been helping defence members to convert their service experience into civilian qualifications through the process of recognition of prior learning (RPL). Randall will discuss the top five mistakes defence members make during the transition phase, and how to avoid them, making the move to a satisfying civilian career much smoother.
Event details:
Date: 5 August 2020
Time: 12:30pm -1:30pm AEST
Presenter: Randall Smith, Churchill Education
Topic: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Transitioning out of Defence
Platform: Microsoft Teams
How to RSVP:
Note: you will be sent an invitation to the Microsoft teams event following your ticket RSVP.
Tharwa Valley Forge
The Cuppacumbalong Foundation has scholarships available later in 2020 that allow two people (an adult and a child) to attend a Family Sculpture course conducted by Tharwa Valley Forge. This program is open to the immediate families of current and former serving members of the Australian Defence Force living or working in the ACT.
Andie (year 6) was fortunate to receive one of these scholarships and created a magnificent keepsake for her efforts. Well done Andie.
Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Thank You!
A big thank you to our wonderful families who have dropped off uniforms to go into the second-hand clothing pool. We have a large range of items available at a very cheap price! More donations are always welcome.
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students are now receiving their Awards at Morning Gathering on Friday, but we are still unable to welcome parents to join us.
Foundation Red |
Xander W Claire A |
Foundation White |
Ivy E Audrey B |
1 Purple |
Eloise F-S Conor McG |
1 Teal |
Sofia W Owen H |
2 Magenta |
Henry A Alice P |
2 Yellow |
Dylan McG Emily G |
3 Black |
Asher K Maeve M |
3 Navy |
Zak P Kobe P |
4 Gold |
Diego L Addison W |
4 Green |
Maria P Sienna S |
5 Blue |
Frankie Q Daniel McK |
5 Orange |
Henry D Georgina R |
6 Lime |
Alex S Chime D |
6 Silver |
Alyssa D Aaryan B |
Sustainability |
Christian S |