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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph's Community,
Yesterday I was pleased to communicate that the expected disruptions in relation to the building project and relocation of classes will not be as significant, due to Catholic Education approving the installation of two additional temporary classrooms. While Term 3 will be a challenge across the school, which we will all work hard to minimise, I am excited at what the ‘end product’ will add to our school. Please note the following plans:
Class/es |
Location |
Duration |
Foundation |
Both Foundation classes will be in the Foundation White classroom |
Till completion of the new classroom building |
1 Teal |
Move into Foundation Red classroom |
Till completion of the new classroom building, then move into new classrooms |
1 Purple |
Move into the Library, with Library becoming a mobile program |
Till completion of the new classroom building, then move into new classrooms |
Year 2 |
Move into the Hub – exact set up and plan being finalised |
Till completion of the new classroom building, then move into new classrooms |
Year 3 |
Remain in temporary classrooms on oval |
Till end of 2020 |
Year 4 |
Move into the new temporary classrooms |
Till end of 2020 |
Year 5 |
Move temporarily into Hall - exact set up and plan being finalised |
Initial weeks of Term 3 while demolition works are underway |
Year 6 |
Move temporarily into Hall - exact set up and plan being finalised |
Initial weeks of Term 3 while demolition works are underway |
Next Friday we farewell Laura Knight as she begins maternity leave for the remainder of the year. We wish Laura and Tim every happiness and joy as they head into this very exciting time as a new family. After a selection process, I am pleased to welcome Ms Rosemarie Taliano to St Joseph’s, teaching 5 Blue in Term 3 and Term 4. Rosemarie joins us from Sydney and is very excited about her move to Canberra.
Unfortunately last week Cathy Berry, our lovely Music teacher, announced her retirement from teaching. Cathy has been on leave throughout 2020, recovering herself from a difficult start to the year and now caring for her father. On behalf of the St Joseph’s community, I thank Cathy for her gentle presence in our school in recent years and wish her all the best. She will be missed. During Term 2, Tiffany Fletcher has been taking the students for their Music lessons, and I am pleased to announce that Tiffany will continue in this role for the remainder of the year. Welcome officially to St Joseph’s, Tiffany.
This week I had a coffee with Catherine Parmenter, which was a highlight of the week. Catherine has been away from school throughout the COVID-19 period, but will return to St Joseph’s at the start of Term 3, for two days a week. She can not wait to see everyone; especially all ‘her’ students.
On Friday the Semester 1 reports will be sent home with the students. As communicated previously, due to the impact on teaching and learning throughout the COVID-19 period, Catholic Education determined that the reports will not have a comment section. When meeting with your child/ren’s teacher this week or next, you will be able to discuss in more detail, how they have progressed over the first half of 2020.
Vinnies Appeal
Thank you to all the students and parents who contributed to the St Vincent de Paul CEO Sleepout fundraising effort, by wearing their beanie and scarf and bringing a gold coin donation. We raised over $650 which will go to supporting those in need in our community.
Drive through
From the School Board Meeting last Wednesday, has come a request to ask parents not to drive from the Hovea Street end of Boronia Drive for afternoon pick up. Doing so causes a significant traffic issue as cars have to wait to turn right into our carpark, in front of those lined up to turn left in to the carpark from the Scrivener Street end. Please consider staggering your arrival time to allow the traffic to move as freely as possible, and ensure that at all times care is taken in and around our school. Thank you for your support in this important matter.
Have a good end to week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
Religious Life of St Joseph’s
Deepening Our St Joseph’s Catholic Identity
On our mission to deepen our St Joseph’s Catholic identity, we are learning about what it means to live our charism and what it means to be a “Joey.” During prayer led by Year 6 this Friday we will begin to unpack the fourth of our St Joseph’s Values: A Joey is generous to people in need. Saint Mary Mackillop’s most well-known quote is “Never see a need without doing something about it.” She had a particularly special place for those who were disadvantaged, marginalised and isolated.
With a year that has been like no other in our experience, I wonder who are the disadvantaged, marginalised and isolated in our community? Do we see these people? Do we try to do something about it when we ourselves are feeling challenged and have less capacity? Mary often assisted in challenging situations.
Pope John Paul 11 said,
"Mary MacKillop embodied all that is best in your nation and in its people: genuine openness to others, hospitality to strangers, generosity to the needy, justice to those unfairly treated, perseverance in the face of adversity, kindness and support to the suffering. Think of Mother Mary MacKillop and learn from her to be a gift of love and compassion for one another, for all Australians."
Through Mary’s example, we are asked to foster a world where those in need come first: in our church communities and in our neighbourhoods, and, to influence, if we can, decisions made at the local, national and international level. I wonder what needs we will see today and what action we can take to do something about it?
Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
Defence School Mentor News

Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Thank You!
A big thank you to our wonderful families who have dropped off uniforms to go into the second-hand clothing pool. We have a large range of items available at a very cheap price! More donations are always welcome.
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students are now receiving their Awards at Morning Gathering on Friday, but we are still unable to welcome parents to join us. Hopefully from early Term 3!
Foundation Red |
Emery D Addison F |
Foundation White |
Adam L Charlie G |
1 Purple |
Levi I Amani N Will C |
1 Teal |
Louis B Sophia M |
2 Magenta |
Thoendrupe W Mary C |
2 Yellow |
Isabella H Kathy A |
3 Black |
Adah A Blake B Hamish McR Lily P |
3 Navy |
Myah A Aidan McG Christopher B |
4 Gold |
Nathan N Violet W Anthony S |
4 Green |
Antonija K Jacob C |
5 Blue |
Celeste P Olivia F |
5 Orange |
Amy D Ebenezer A |
6 Lime |
Sam C Cindy L |
6 Silver |
Samten D Sophia S Angelo P Rea N |
Sustainability |
Layla F Amelia G |