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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph's Community,
This term the staff have used The Little Brown Book: Mary MacKillop’s spirituality in our everyday lives, as a provocation for our weekly prayer focus. Each week a different member of staff leads prayer, looking at the simple teachings of Saint Mary MacKillop which underpin the Josephite charism, and therefore what our school, St Joseph’s, seeks to instil in our students. We are also doing this to focus on what we as adults, can prioritise as we go about our daily lives. This week, I am on staff prayer and chose to look at this quote, Do all you can with the means at your disposal and calmly leave the rest to God.
2020… A year that we will all remember!
We have spent much of this year adjusting to and making sense of the numerous challenges that have arisen. We have done so with incredible resilience and positivity, that we truly have made the best out of some very difficult times. It is a year that we will all remember.
However, it is necessary to again share with the community that we will continue to face challenges as we head into the second half of the year. If you have taken notice of the building project being undertaken to construct four new classrooms, you will have gathered that these are not going to be ready for the start of Term 3, as had originally been planned this time last year. The delays are not the fault of the builders, as they are well on track based on their starting date in early 2020. It is the result of works not starting at the end of 2019, following a delay in the tender process. The extent of the change in the program of works has only recently been finalised and the impacts considered.

Therefore, for the duration of Term 3, many of our students and staff will be impacted by the need to relocate and accommodate classes across our school. While there is still much to be determined and planned, please be aware of the following actions that will occur over the coming weeks:
- The Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms will be completely vacated by the end of Term 2, ready for the demolition and refurbishment of the downstairs classrooms, in preparation for the start of the 2021 school year. Works will begin on the first day of the upcoming holidays and continue until mid-January.
- The Year 1 and Year 2 classes will be relocated and accommodated in other classrooms / learning spaces for 8 weeks in Term 3. The plans for where these four classes will be accommodated are yet to be finalised, but are well advanced.
- The Year 1 and Year 2 classes will move into the new classrooms at the completion of the new building, by the end of Term 3.
- The Year 5 and Year 6 classes will not have access to the upstairs classrooms for the first two weeks of Term 3, while demolitions continue downstairs.
- The Year 5 and Year 6 classes will be accommodated in other learning spaces for the first two weeks of Term 3, before returning to their classrooms for the remainder of the 2020 school year. The plans for where these four classes will be accommodated are yet to be finalised, but are well advanced.
- To be able to accommodate the additional classes across a limited number of usable classrooms / learning spaces, it is likely that the Library, the Hub and the Hall will be used in some capacity throughout Term 3. The only classes not to be impacted as part of current planning, is Year 3 who are using the existing temporary classrooms on the oval.
- The Learning Support Room and the Sports Room, along with a number of resource spaces currently occupying the downstairs areas will also need to be relocated to other spaces around the school.
While little detail is possible at the moment about which classes will be relocated to where in the school, please be assured that every effort is being made to minimise the impact on the students. There are a number of options available to us, and others that are still being investigated. I understand the concerns that this information will raise for parents and I will endeavour to confirm plans early next week, so as to give everyone time to prepare for the changes to come.
As always, your incredible support throughout challenging times has made a huge difference in recent months and I am confident that this will continue as we move forward. We have much to look forward to as the year progresses and an exciting 2021 with our new classrooms and refurbished learning spaces.
Vinnies Appeal
Vinnies has launched a Crisis Appeal to raise funds for additional need due to COVID-19. Due to restrictions of operation, it has not been possible to run an appeal in the traditional manner. Vinnies are accepting donations to the appeal online or by calling 13 18 12. The Vinnies Night Patrol Vans are still seeking physical donations of warm items such as blankets, jackets and new socks etc. All donations are quarantined for 72 hours before being sorted. For a list of open stores, please visit the Vinnies website.
School Counsellor
Last week we welcomed our new school counsellor, Mark Holberton, to St Joseph’s. Mark will be at the school each Wednesday until midday and alternate Fridays. This is a valuable and important service that is available to students and their parents, to assist with managing emotions, building social skills or simply discussing concerns. If you would like to access the counsellor, please complete a referral form that is available at the Front Office or by contacting the school, and complete and return it as soon as possible.
Have a good end to week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
Religious Life of St Joseph’s
Deepening Our St Joseph’s Catholic Identity
On our mission to deepen our St Joseph’s Catholic identity, we are learning about what it means to live our charism and what it means to be a “Joey.” In response to last week’s focus on being 'respectful of the dignity of all', a number of children have come to share how they are living this value at St Joseph’s.
Erika in 4 Gold responded to the call to Be God’s Love by making a ‘nice’ jar at home filled with compliments. This ‘nice’ jar is now an important part of Erika’s class and it has a home on the class prayer table.
During prayer led by Year 6 this Friday we will begin to unpack the second of our St Joseph’s Values: A Joey is humble and compassionate. Saint Mary Mackillop chose St Joseph as her patron saint because he was humble and got on with the job.
Humility is putting the needs of another person before your own and thinking of others before yourself. One of Saint Mary Mackillop’s most well-known qualities is her compassion. May Saint Mary Mackillop guide us as we strive to follow her example of compassion and humility.
Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
It’s not always about what we are learning, but what we are learning to do about it. With a wide range of sustainability lessons this term, students report what they have learned and how they are taking action!
Year 1 is learning about sources of energy, so…
“We can turn off the electricity when we are not using it,”- Harry.
“When my brother left the light on his room, I turned it off.”-Clementine
“I closed the door to our classroom because the heater was on.”-Vairaj
Year 2 is learning about caring for God’s Creation, so…
“I know to wash plastic before putting it in the recycle bin.” -Maddison
“We can eat bugs instead meat. They are healthy and easy to farm, and full of protein.” -Henry
Year 4 is learning about cotton’s impact on the environment, so…
“You can use bamboo material instead which is better for the environment, or buy and reuse from op shops.”- Bridget
“You can buy clothing that is organic cotton so that the pesticides don’t harm farmers.”-Lottie.
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator
Defence School Mentor News
Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Thank You!
A big thank you to our wonderful families who have dropped off uniforms to go into the second-hand clothing pool. We have a large range of items available at a very cheap price! More donations are always welcome.
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Students will receive their awards in class on Friday.
Photos will be shared later in the day via SZapp.
Foundation Red |
Sebastian P Rishaan M |
Foundation White |
Isla C Eloise McD |
1 Purple |
Patrick McD Emma P Evie McG |
1 Teal |
Marial W Leilani T |
2 Magenta |
Patrick M Lara S |
2 Yellow |
Taj T Sebastian R |
3 Black |
Nova S Kayla N |
3 Navy |
Lachlan S Esmee V F |
4 Gold |
Josephine B Daniel A Addison W |
4 Green |
Max M Joseph E Maggie M |
5 Blue |
Sophie P Joshua O'K |
5 Orange |
Roshni N Jeremy S |
6 Lime |
Madeleine S Alarna N |
6 Silver |
Amelia M Aaryan B |
Sustainability |
Aaron P |