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Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” (Matthew 9:35) At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we way experience your healing love.
Dear parents, carers and the St Joseph’s community,
With so much already communicated over recent days, I, first of all, want to thank the community for your support and words of encouragement through these difficult times. While the messaging regarding schools has been mixed, it is so clear that together we can continue to provide teaching and learning opportunities for the children and to support each other in the community as much as possible.
The far-reaching implications of the economic shutdowns and the impact of parents and children being at home over the coming weeks or months are real for everyone. I want to reassure you that you can ask for help and to let me know of any challenges that arise.
Most positive in the last couple of weeks has been the outpouring of support and admiration for the teachers and staff here at St Joseph’s. I have passed on these sentiments, and again now I say an enormous thank you to all of the wonderful staff in our school – you are doing an incredible job!
Building Update
Things are getting really exciting now that the site is clear, footings are down and we even have bricks delivered! We look forward to watching over the coming weeks as the building starts to take shape.

Weekly Awards
Please be aware that until further notice, we will not have Weekly Awards.
And finally, something to share…
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
Religious Life of St Joseph’s
Last Thursday we celebrated the Feast of St Joseph in classrooms. Together we spent time unpacking our focus scripture ‘The Greatest Commandment’ (Matthew 22:34-40) through Drama and Visual and Media Arts. The key message of ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ rings loud and clear in our local and global community. As a part of our Feast Day activities the children created an artwork to illustrate our focus ‘Be God’s Love.’ These artworks of all the children are on display in the corridor. A competition was held on Friday where the community voted to select the best 7 artworks to be displayed in the frames outside the Library. Congratulations to these children on their winning artworks.
Kayla Year 3Josie Year 5
Rose Year 6
Abagail Year 6
Chelsea Year 6
Saint Mary Mackillop was known to say that ‘Prayer is our greatest weapon.’ During this time of uncertainty, it can be a challenge to have faith that God is hearing our own prayers. To keep us encouraged during this time I invite you to follow Pope Francis on Twitter. Our prayers are being heard.
At home, we invite you to sing our focus song for 2020, “Be God’s” by Danielle Rose and discuss how we can Be God’s Love. You can view a version with the lyrics at:
Online Mass and Prayer Resources to Support Families at Home
Options for viewing Mass online:
- Daily Mass: Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn:
Mass celebrated specifically for viewing online. Available from daily at 6am. (Beginning Sunday 22 March 2020)
- Daily Mass Archdiocese of Melbourne:
Daily Mass: The 1.00pm Mass is streamed live daily (Mon - Fri) from St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne and is then available as a recording on-demand until one hour prior to the next 1.00pm Mass.
Sunday Mass: On Sundays, the 11.00am Mass is streamed and it is also available as a recording on-demand.
Options for Daily Prayer:
(Content source: Liturgy Help/Universalis)
Living Word – Daily Gospel reflections. Subscription available at or view daily at
Additional Video Resources: and
Yours in Christ,
Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
The photo below represents our Defence children. They feel proud and connected to know they belong. Even as the normal school hours may shift and life looks a little different for a time, our children know they are unique, special and cared for.
I found this picture below a helpful tool for myself as a DSM and a parent. I hope you find it helpful too. I will be in touch with all Defence families over the coming weeks. I will be installing a Defence Kids Club virtual space on Seesaw to help kids feel connected.
Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
The Canteen will NOT be open for Qkr! or over the counter orders for the remainder of Term 1
PLEASE NOTE: The Uniform Shop will NOT be open for the remainder of Term 1
UNIFORM SHOP - Opening Hours 2020
Tuesday 8:45am to 9:15am
Friday 8:30am to 9:00am