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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
Advent Prayer
Prince of Peace, reveal yourself to us today. We need peace in our lives, our homes, our families, our church, and our whole world. Help us to slow down and seek out the peace you provide, so we may become peacemakers for ourselves and others. Amen.
What does it mean to be a ‘Joey’?
This semester, I have been working with the ‘Kids Committee’ to look at establishing school rules that align with our Seeds. We have been talking about what it means to be part of the wonderful St Joseph’s community and are looking to brand the word ‘Joey’ to help bring the rules to life, for example, A Joey makes safe choices, listens and is respectful.
Last week, the Kids Committee launched a competition to design a logo that encapsulates what it means to be a ‘Joey’. The winning design will be used across the school in 2020 and for many years to come. The winner will receive a $30 Dymocks voucher (as well as bragging rights). I warmly invite families to be involved in this competition. Entries close Friday Week 9, so get creative and share with us your vision of being a ‘Joey’.
Open Classrooms and Thank You Morning Tea
Thank you to the many parents, grandparents and friends who joined us today for our open classrooms. The students always enjoy the opportunity to share their learning and achievements with their nearest and dearest. I would like to also take this opportunity to thank the many members of our St Joseph’s community who have helped in numerous and various ways throughout the school this year. Be it, helping in classrooms, the canteen, the library, the uniform shop, at discos, barbecues, sporting carnivals, working bees, or on excursions – your support is greatly appreciated, we could not do it without you!

School Board
Tonight, we are holding our annual School Board AGM. At this time, we must say thank you to Iain Slatter, Ruth Arkell, Tiffany Fletcher and Skye McPadden for their contributions to the School Board as they officially step down from their respective roles as President, Parent Representative, P&F Representative and Staff Representative.
Listed below is our staffing for 2020, with a few places yet to be confirmed. We are currently in the process of allocating students into classes. Please rest assured that we have taken into account any formal requests from parents. Students will have the opportunity to meet their 2020 teacher (where possible) on Wednesday 18 December, Week 10.
Principal |
Cameron Tarrant |
Assistant Principal |
Amy Doszpot |
Melanie Stratford |
Coordinator |
Michelle Vuli (nee Rosewell) |
ELC Director |
Molly Henson |
Green Frogs |
Morvern Dyer |
Blue Geckos (BOW) |
Dione Martin |
Blue Geckos (EOW) |
Elizabeth Hargrave |
Early Childhood Assistants |
Belinda Kivela, Vanessa Wesley -Smith, Lina Zielinski |
Before / After-School Care |
Rajni Sharma, Lucy Mutuku |
Foundation |
Zoe Cawdron, Hayley Gould |
Year 1 |
Ryan McGee, Alison Nesci, Amy Doszpot |
Year 2 |
Ellie Palmer, Fiona Pettit |
Year 3 |
Courtney Bonner, Melanie Moore |
Year 4 |
Jake Kucher, Michelle Vuli, Esther Coghlan |
Year 5 |
Laura Knight, Koby Allan, TBC |
Year 6 |
Melanie Stratford, Annette Carroll, TBC |
Music |
Cathy Berry |
Library |
Catherine Parmenter |
Italian |
Maria Paragalli |
Classroom Support Teacher |
Carolyn McFarland |
Classroom Support Assistants |
Jenny Grierson, Ruta Valiulyte, Cathy Viney |
Office Manager |
Jenny Rees, Catherine Hemphill |
Canteen Manager |
Facilities |
Paul Hetherington |
I hope that you have an enjoyable end to the week and most importantly don’t forget to slow down and find some time for peace in this busy time!
Yours in Christ,
Amy Doszpot
Assistant Principal
Religious Life of the School
On Sunday we move into our Second Week of Advent. In preparing for our celebration of Christmas we purchase gifts, prepare Christmas cards and decorate our homes. In the Gospel this week John call us to repent in preparation for Jesus and reminds us that our repentance is another way in which we can prepare for the Lord's coming and our celebration of Christmas.
As you read the Gospel as a family, talk about how John reminds the people that they prepare for the reign of God by reforming their lives. As a family you might like to prepare a simple reconciliation service in preparation for Christmas by gathering in a prayerful space, perhaps around your family Advent wreath. Read the Gospel: Matthew 3:1-3. Invite each family member to pray silently, asking God to forgive their sins. Pray together an Act of Contrition. Then celebrate God's forgiveness by sharing a Sign of Peace with each other.
Prayer and Worship
Student Led Christian Prayer
Each Friday after first break Year 6 lead classes in prayer with a focus on the Gospel for the coming Sunday.
Liturgical Season: Second Sunday of Advent, Year A
Liturgical Season Colour: Purple
This week the focus is on the Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12
John the Baptist went to live in the desert in Judea. He wore a coat made from camel hair, tied around the middle with a belt. The desert was too hot and dry for things to grow, so John lived on wild honey and locusts. God had told him that he was sending someone to save the world. He wanted John to tell everyone that they must change their ways and try to be good.

People came from far and wide to be baptised by John in the River Jordan. They wanted to say sorry for all their sins. One day John told them, “I can wash you with water, but a very special person is coming who will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and wash away all your sins.”
At home we invite you to read the upcoming Gospel as a family and discuss our focus question for the week.
- When you were baptised, you were baptised with water. What do you think John the Baptist meant when he said: “A very special person is coming who will baptise you with the Holy Spirit?”
Heavenly Father,
You sent John the Baptist
To prepare the people
For the coming of your son.
As Christmas draws closer,
Help us to prepare too,
So that we may be ready for Christmas Day.
Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments
Term 4 Liturgies and Class Masses |
Week 8 Thursday 5 December Advent Prayer Celebration led by Year 3 at 9.15am Week 9 Thursday 12 December Advent Prayer Celebration led by Year 1 at 9.15am Friday 13 December Thanksgiving Mass at 9.15am Week 10 Thursday 19 December Advent Prayer Celebration led by Foundation at 9.15am |
Social Action & Justice
As Advent approaches, we think about how we will prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus? A St Joseph’s we have a 25 Days of Kindness calendar. The acts of kindness for Week 8 are:
Day 11: Give somebody you know a ‘hug’ coupon, to be used when they need a hug.
Day 12: Smile and say good morning to someone you don’t normally speak to in school.
Day 13: Make somebody a Christmas card. This could be for somebody you know very well or for somebody in the school that you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Day 14: Offer some festive cheer by telling a friend or relative your best Christmas joke!
Day 15: Help a younger student with something at school today.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Last week a note about the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal went home. Each class has been asked to provide a specific type of Christmas food. All classes have a hamper for children to place their donations. We are encouraging all families to donate suitable food with your children.
For families wishing to provide a gift for specific families in our area, there is a Giving Tree in the front foyer at both the ELC and school. On the Giving Trees are gift tags with the age of children in the O’Connor and Lyneham area that are in need this Christmas. If families would like to donate a gift, adults are invited to take a tag, and tape it to the wrapped gift before placing it under the tree. Suggested gifts are included with the gift tags. If purchasing gift cards please give them to the office for safekeeping. We thank you in advance for your generosity and enthusiasm for sharing love and the Christmas spirit with those in need.
Religious Identity and Culture
Ethos and Charism
Our strategic priority to deepen our St Joseph’s identity means to deepen our understanding of our Josephite Charism. We can learn much about our Josephite Charism through quotes from Saint Mary Mackillop.
Evangelisation and Faith Formation
Faith Formation
St Joseph’s Parish has begun its annual Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).
If you are curious about God or the Catholic Church, were baptised as a child but did not receive Eucharist or Confirmation, visit the parish one Sunday and speak to Fr Paul.
If you have questions about the RCIA process, please email Alwyn Dantis on or ring 0467 243 363.
Yours in Christ,
Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action!
We have officially begun our coffee collection! Did you know Australians use about 3 million coffee pods every day? Billions end up in landfill every year. After learning about the option to recycle used pods, Ben C. (Year 3) went home and convinced his family to begin recycling theirs. In response, the Collett family has donated (that's right, you have to pay to be sustainable!) a Terracycle Coffee Pod Recycling box so that we can collect amongst our school community. Together we can save hundreds of pods from going to landfill! Thanks a latte, Colletts!
Ben is not the only Year 3 student making a difference in the world. These Waste Warriors have also added sustainable choices to their daily rituals.

"Be the change you want to see in the world," - Mahatma Gandhi
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator
From the Defence School Mentor
Tuesday first break – the library is the place to be! This week our Defence kids enjoyed listening to music and having a chill-out zone, a place to connect with other Defence kids. We are already coming up with ideas for welcoming new Defence kids into our community next year. The year 4 Defence kids experimented with edible playdough after first break. Quite a messy experience but super fun.

Community news
The Australian War Memorial has an exhibition on the Vietnamese Australian experience of the Vietnam War ‘Brothers in Arms’. For more details follow the link.
From Sally
Sally Adams
Defence Support Mentor
On Sunday Kayla, Maia, Roshni, Emme, Nate and Andie competed in a beach volleyball tournament we won 2 games and we worked together as a team to dig, set and spike the ball - Kayla
On Sunday all of us had soooo much fun playing and trying to win, and we ended up winning 2 and tying 1 game.
We had so much we have definitely learnt so much and still so much to learn - Maia
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Foundation Red |
Zachary B Olivia L |
3 Silver |
Carys K Bridget M |
Foundation White |
Teilo K-J Owen H William C |
4 Blue |
Layla F Henry D |
1 Purple |
Annabella McP Bonnie P Ryan McD |
4 Orange |
Sophie M Hamish D |
1 Teal |
Aidan M Maddison D |
5 Gold |
Ava J Sophia D |
2 Magenta |
Aidan McG Olivia O |
5 Green |
Chime D Areesha G |
2 Yellow |
Vasili P Atem M |
6 Black |
Jake McK Gemma W |
3 Lime |
Pritika T Nathan N |