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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
This morning, myself, Mrs Stratford and five of our Year 6 students; Will, Savidu, Zoe, Maia and Kayla attended the World Mission Mass at St Christopher’s Cathedral. This month, being the Extraordinary Mission Month, seeks to engage all faithful into formation and mission. It is not an end in itself, but a means to revitalise, renew and reawaken ongoing commitment to the life and mission of the Church. Archbishop Christopher spoke about mission as an action of our head, heart and hands and our Archdiocesan Youth Ministers reminded us that mission starts with us! They shared a mathematical equation to remind us of this … Follow = Come + Go. In the coming week, how will you live a life of mission?
Staffing News
This time of year is often bittersweet as we bid farewell to staff who are leaving our St Joseph’s community. Congratulations to Mrs Skye McPadden who after an application process has accepted a permanent teaching position at St Thomas Aquinas, West Belconnen. On behalf of the school community, I wish Skye the very best at her new school and thank her for her tremendous contributions to St Joseph’s.
Sustainability Bus Tour
This Friday, we will be visited by Mr Shane Rattenbury, Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability alongside 50 students and staff from nine Primary Schools across Canberra as part of the Actsmart Schools Junior Eco Bus Tour. We were chosen to be a hosting school of the tour to share our successes in the many ways we work to help build a sustainable future. Our inclusion in the tour is testament to the amazing work Mrs McGee has done in conserving waste and promoting sustainability at St Joseph’s. As a new member of staff, I have certainly been inspired by Mrs McGee and in turn, I now make more considered choices when packing my lunch and using straws. Congratulations Ryan on your amazing efforts!
Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival
Friday is a busy day as we also have 44 students in Year 2 to Year 6 travelling to Boorowa to participate in the annual Touch Football and Netball Carnival. Thank you to the parents who are coaching and managing teams as well as those who are transporting additional children. Community events like this would not be possible without your support. Thank you also to Mr Stephens, Miss Palmer, Miss Moore and Mrs McFarland who will be attending the carnival. I wish all teams the best of luck. I know that you will proudly represent St Joseph’s and participate with enthusiasm, fairness and pride.
Courtyard Crew
This week we have begun our Courtyard Crew activities that will be available to students every day during Second Break. Thank you to Mrs McFarland for her foresight, planning and implementation of this initiative. There are a range of fun and stimulating activities from craft, lego, and kitchen toys for the students to be involved in. Thank you also to the many Year 4 students who have volunteered their time to assist in the running of our Courtyard Crew.

Following the introduction of a new summer lunch order menu last week, there are some reminders that will assist with the effective delivery of the items.
- Please order for each of your children individually with their name - when orders are combined, siblings receive additional items that they then are not sure of who is having what for lunch and tend to eat everything, meaning someone misses out.
- The orders are currently being provided using reusable containers and cutlery. Once the children have finished their lunches, containers and cutlery need to be placed into the large tubs at the canteen doors.
- Please ensure your child is aware they have a lunch order on the day. This means they collect their lunch without needing to be found on the playground.
- If your child forgets their lunch, they are to speak to their classroom teacher or the teacher on duty, who will then send them to the Front Office. Once you have been contacted, your child will either be taken to the canteen to get something to eat, or they will be provided something to eat. Either way, we will always ensure the children have something to eat.
I hope you have an enjoyable end to the week.
Yours in Christ,
Amy Doszpot
Assistant Principal
Religious Life of the School
Pope Francis has declared this month of October 2019 as an Extraordinary Missionary Month. This month is to increase awareness that mission is for the entire world. We are all being called to help communities grow in “missionary and evangelising zeal.” This is a wonderful reminder of our focus scripture for 2019: Go and make disciples. How will you go forth and make disciples this week?
Prayer and Worship
Student Led Christian Prayer
Each Friday, after first break, Year 6 lead classes in prayer with a focus on the Gospel for the coming Sunday.
Liturgical Season: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Liturgical Season Colour: Green
This week the focus is on the Gospel: Luke 18:9-14
One day Jesus told this parable: “Two men went to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, who was an upright and religious man who always obeyed the law. The other was a tax collector, who cheated people to make himself rich.
The Pharisee stood up and prayed. ‘Thank you, God for making me such a good person, unlike the tax collector over there! I keep all your rules and am most generous with my money.’
The tax collector stood at the back of the temple. He bowed his head in shame as he prayed quietly. "O God, I have done so many things wrong, please forgive me.’”
Then Jesus said, “It was the second man and not the first who pleased God with his prayer."
At home, we invite you to read the upcoming Gospel as a family and discuss our focus question for the week.
- Why do you think the tax collector's prayer was more pleasing to God?
Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments
Term 4 Liturgies and Class Masses |
Week 2: Wednesday 23 October: Catholic Mission Mass at the Cathedral Thursday 24 October: Grandparents and Special Friends Day Week 3 Thursday 31 October: Move for Mission Fundraising Disco Friday 1 November: Year 1 and 2 Class Mass Sunday 3 November Family Mass led by Year 6 - 9am Week 4 Friday 8 November: Year 5 and Foundation Class Mass Week 5 Monday 11 November Remembrance Day Prayer Celebration led by Year 5 - 10.30am Friday 15 November: Year 4 Class Mass - 9.15am Week 6 Friday 22 November: Year 3 Class Mass - 9.15am Week 7 Thursday 28 November Advent Prayer Celebration led by Year 4 - 9.15am Week 8 Thursday 5 December Advent Prayer Celebration led by Grade 3 - 9.15am Week 9 Thursday 12 December Advent Prayer Celebration led by Grade 1 - 9.15am Friday 13th December THanksgiving Mass - 9.15am Week 10 Thursday 19 December Advent Prayer Celebration led by Foundation - 9.15am |
Social Action & Justice
Action For Justice
Lip Balm Pop-Up Shop
Year 6 sold out of their first Lip balm pop-up shop last Friday. This enabled us to raise the last $55 to meet our goal of $2500. The pop-up shop will continue again this coming Friday during first break.
Global School Partners Presentation
Last Friday afternoon, Simon from Global School Partners inspired us with a presentation about our St Joseph's journey in partnership with Riamabana Orphanage Academy. We also presented him with a cheque for $2500 to build a new toilet block. All students at St Joseph also wrote a letter to the students at Riamabana which Simon will send on our behalf. We look forward to continuing to build the relationship between our school communities in 2020.
Catholic Mission
October is Catholic Mission Month. October is also the Month of the Rosary.
At St Joseph's, we will hold a "Day of Many Colours" event on Thursday 31st October where children will wear a colour representing the continent their family is from and come together as a whole to school to pray the Rosary.
The Social Justice Leaders are also working on a "Move for Mission" lunchtime Disco on Thursday 31st October. There will be one offered during Break 1 for Junior Primary and one offered during Break 2 for Upper Primary. Entry will be by gold coin donation. More information will be available later this week.
Religious Identity and Culture
Ethos and Charism
Our strategic priority to deepen our St Joseph’s identity means to deepen our understanding of our Josephite Charism. We can learn much about our Josephite Charism through quotes from Saint Mary Mackillop. As we begin Term 4, the quote for this week is:
Evangelisation and Faith Formation
Faith Formation
St Joseph’s Parish has begun its annual Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).
If you are curious about God or the Catholic Church, were baptised as a child but did not receive Eucharist or Confirmation, visit the parish one Sunday and speak to Fr Paul.
If you have questions about the RCIA process, please email Alwyn Dantis on or ring 0467 243 363.
Yours in Christ,
Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
Success! Saviour Lip Balm was a huge success last week, and we are looking forward to selling more! Saviour Lip Balm was created to reduce our waste output (with a half-price refill offered), and profits will be donated to charity.
Yesterday, myself, Josh O, Tom O, Olivia and Liam enjoyed the Eco Bus Tour where we explored other notably sustainable schools. The students each had something they are eager to bring back to Joey's for next year:
"I would like to expand our compost and bring in more greenery around the school," said Tom.
"I want to play a recycle song at the end of break during Effort For Excellence," said Liam.
"I think solar panels are important as well as a sustainability classroom," said Olivia.
"I want a Greenhouse, chicken coup, and Environmental Centre with a kitchen. That's all," said Mrs. McGee.
"What's the harm? It's only 1 straw." -8 billion people.
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator
Preparations are underway for our Remembrance Day Prayer Service to be held at 10:30 on November 11. Thanks to the Defence children in Grade 3 and 4 who will take on a leadership role for our ceremony this year. This week in Defence Kids club the children enjoyed more nature craft, Lego and Uno.

A Message from Soldier On
Call for rowers – novice to experienced, to enter the Canberra Rowing Club Corporate Rowing Program 2019.
Crews of eight will learn to row in eight-oared boats from Canberra Rowing Club, Yarralumla Bay. Training will be three times a week for four weeks on Lake Burley Griffin. (Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 0600 - 0715)
All equipment is provided and each crew of eight will be supported and receive coaching from experienced coaches and coxswains. An introduction to rowing and safety briefing will be held as part of the program.
For further information and to register your interest contact Debbie 0434 872 904
Sally Adams
Defence Support Mentor
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Foundation Red |
Sofia W Leo W |
3 Silver |
Lucy P Josie B |
Foundation White |
Gonzalo O-H Chase S |
4 Blue |
Addison F Thomas F |
1 Purple |
Ishana M Sebastian R |
4 Orange |
Josh G Max S |
1 Teal |
Chloe A Lara S |
5 Gold |
Alarna N Nellie R |
2 Magenta |
Lily P Christopher B |
5 Green |
Alexandria S Madeline S |
2 Yellow |
Callum A Myah A |
6 Black |
Renee M Cooper W |
3 Lime |
Diego L Maria P Daniel G |