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Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,
There where you are you will find God.
St Mary Mackillop - 1871
It has again been a busy week, with lots of things happening across our wonderful school. Tomorrow at 9.15am, the whole school will join with the Parish to celebrate the feast day of Australia’s first saint, St Mary of the Cross. St Mary Mackillop has a significant place in the history and life of St Joseph’s, as it is through her works and faithful devotion that the Sisters of St Joseph formed and have worked across our country nurturing Catholic Education. All are warmly invited to join us for Mass in the church.
Following Mass in the morning, we will be holding a Market Day from 10.30 – 12.30pm. This is in support to raise much needed funds for Riamabana School in Kenya, with whom St Joseph’s have had a partnership now since 2011. Many students will be involved in running a stall on the day, but all students are welcome to bring some pocket money to spend at the stalls.
School Start Time
It is important for students to be at school at the start of the school day. By being at school before the bell, the students have a chance to see a friend or two and to set themselves up for the social aspects of the day ahead. When students arrive after the bell, they miss this opportunity and therefore have to enter the courtyard during the Morning Gathering, often missing information or just feeling embarrassed as they find their way to their line. If they are later than this, they then miss the initial entry and instructions in the classroom, which can unsettle them as they try to catch up on what is happening.
School Musical Working Bee
A reminder that if you are handy with a paintbrush, hammer or glue (or even if you are not) and are free this Saturday 10 August for an hour or so, we would love your help. We will be at school from 10 am to 3 pm. If you are able to assist, please email Laura Knight
Don’t forget to put the Musical in your diary: Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 of September.
Mini Science Week Fair
To celebrate National Science Week: Destination Moon, we will be holding a mini Science fair next Wednesday 16 August. Classes have been busy preparing and are keen to share their work. We warmly welcome all families to attend. The event will commence at 2:10 pm in the school hall, where students will present some of their work and awards will be given. Families will then be invited back to the classrooms to see student work and students will also visit their buddy classes. We look forward to seeing you there.
School Satisfaction Surveys
The annual satisfaction survey of parents, students and staff was launched via email on 29 July 2019 using the email addresses supplied to the school. The closing date for completing the survey is 9 August. If you did not receive an email with a link to the survey, you can access and complete the parent survey at the following link. The surveys are designed to gather feedback from parents, staff and students about our school and will be used to inform school improvement. Responses are confidential and individuals can not be identified.
Safe Parking Behaviours
Unsafe driving and parking behaviours increase the potential road safety risk for children around schools. Road safety is a shared responsibility, it is important the road rules are followed near our school to ensure the entire school community feels safe. Please remember children are more at risk than adults around schools because they are smaller and less visible to drivers. They are also less predictable and less experienced, which makes them more likely to make errors of judgement. Failing to follow simple road rules by parking on the verge, in no-stopping zones, in bus stops, near children’s crossings, on footpaths or across driveways increases the risk to children around schools. Please do the right thing to create a safe environment around our school.
Don't forget to follow our page on Facebook to keep up to date and to support our fantastic school.
On Monday, we will start the 'Meet the Staff Monday ' posts – I think I have been targeted first! Staff will be answering questions the students want to know about them. Believe me, there are some very interesting questions!
Have a great end to the week.
Yours in Christ,
Cameron Tarrant
St Mary Mackillop
Saint Mary Mackillop was born in 1842. She was a fine teacher, the founder of schools and a religious order. Saint Mary Mackillop chose St Joseph because he was humble and got the job done. She devoted her whole life to following Jesus and helping others, especially poor children. Many people who knew her could tell she was extraordinary. Mother Mary radiated God’s love and energy to everyone she met. Mary and her companion Fr Julian Tenison Woods dreamed of a new kind of school, open to anyone whether their family was rich or poor. Children from poorer families would be provided with clothing and school supplies for very little cost or for free. They could learn enough reading, writing and maths so they could get out of poverty and have a better life.
When Mary wrote the lessons and timetable for her schools, she made sure there was time for prayers and hymns, which in those days were not written in English, but Latin. But she made sure these weren’t too long so that the children wouldn’t find prayer time too difficult or too boring. Her pupils must have been grateful for that! Her life wasn’t always easy and she had lots of problems sometimes, but she was happy because she firmly believed in God and that her true home was not here on earth but with God in heaven. She was very cheerful and didn’t want her sisters going around with frowns on their faces.
St Mary Mackillop is currently our only Australian saint. When I was in Rome recently I was privileged to be taken on a tour by our own Archbishop Christopher Prowse of where Mary lived in 1873 when she travelled to Rome to meet with Pope Pius IX. Saint Mary Mackillop travelled to Rome to gain official approval of her religious order, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart. As I walked through the streets that she would have walked I could not help but be in awe of how challenging it must have been for her and how determined she must have been to make that journey at that time.
Catholic Liturgical Life
Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time
Liturgical Season Colour: Green
In the Gospel for this coming Sunday, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Luke (Luke 12:32-48 shares the message that we must always be prepared to meet God..
Student Prayer Focus
As we strive to deepen our St Joseph's identity, our Student and Staff Prayer Focus in Week 2 and 3 prepares us for our St Mary Mackillop Feast Day on Thursday Week 3, through a Saint Mary Mackillop Novena. A Novena is a type of prayer that consists of 9 days of prayer and is often prayed in preparation for a feast day or for a specific intention. Through praying each day of this Novena we are invited to reflect on various qualities of St Mary MacKillop. The Novena can be prayed individually or in a group each day .The aim is to prepare ourselves and our students for our St Mary Mackillop Feast Day through prayer and reflection while deepening our understanding of our Josephite Charism. You can access the novena at the following links:
Sacrament of Confirmation
Students in Year 6 can now be enrolled in the Sacrament of Confirmation at the link below. Please add the Sacrament of Confirmation and preparation session dates and times to your calendars. A reminder that the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place with Archbishop Christopher Prowse on the last Sunday of the holidays before Term 4 commences.
Please enrol at
If you do not have a Google account you can use your child’s school account to register. Please contact Father Paul if you have any questions about the Sacrament of Confirmation at:
Confirmation Classes (Year 6) |
5.15pm in the Learning Hub followed by Mass at 6.00pm in the Church Saturday 31 August Saturday 7 September Saturday 14 September Saturday 21 September |
Sacrament of Confirmation |
Sunday 13 October 9am |
Melanie Stratford
Religious Education Coordinator
Sustainability in Action
Students enjoyed 'The Lorax,' as read by Year 3, almost-Spring sunshine, and a planting activity in celebration on School Tree Day.
When our sunflowers have sprouted, students may bring them home in any reusable container. Egg cartons may be too shallow, so yoghurt cups or anything of that size are preferred.
Remember to send in any old oral-care products. We are participating in the Colgate challenge for a chance to win new garden beds, benches and a gift card. Start brushing and collecting!
"He that plants trees loves others beside himself" – Thomas Fuller
Ryan McGee
Sustainability Coordinator

We are back in full swing again with Defence Kids Club. Every Tuesday at first break in the Library, Defence kids and their friends come to join in the fun.
A message from Debbie at Soldier On - Ever wanted to have a go at or revisit surfing, then join us courtesy of Surfing Australia and Broulee Surf School for some free lessons during the month of September.
Available to anyone over the age of 13 and chose either 4 x 2 hr sessions over 4 weeks, or 2 x 2 hr sessions over 2 weeks.
Contact Debbie at Soldier On for further - email
Sally Adams
Defence Support Mentor
Congratulations to this week's award recipients.
Foundation Red |
Jacob S Anna J |
3 Silver |
Max M Adam S |
Foundation White |
Gonzalo O-H Deki N |
4 Blue |
Layla F Henry D |
1 Purple |
Atticus B Zach B |
4 Orange |
Roshni N Josh G |
1 Teal |
Mary C Kathy A |
5 Gold |
Rea N Rose W |
2 Magenta |
Maeve M Kobe P |
5 Green |
Amelia M Areesha G |
2 Yellow |
Ashley F Matilynn H-C |
6 Black |
Emmanuel A Ivan S |
3 Lime |
Daniel A Nathan N Nate R |