St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 6 Term 1 2025 Newsletter

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Week 6 Term 1 2025 Newsletter
    God our Father, you guide and direct us on our journey through life. Be with us throughout our Lenten journey of faith and love. Help us to grow closer to you during this special holy season. Help us to do your will each day during Lent.

    Dear parents and carers,

    As we journey through the season of Lent, we are provided an opportunity for spiritual growth, renewal and a deepening relationship with God. During Lent, we focus on self-discipline, sacrifice, and charity, following Christ’s example of love and service. I encourage families to participate in this time of reflection and prayer, helping to build a stronger, more compassionate community. May this Lent inspire us all to grow closer to God and to one another.

    Running the Room


    Running the Room, by Tom Bennett is a book that all staff are currently using to engage in purposeful professional dialogue around teaching students how to behave, the same as teaching any other area of the curriculum. Last year a number of staff attended Tom’s Bennett’s workshop around the same themes, and again this year he is touring Australia, with more staff hopefully attending the workshop.

    There are many great take aways that we are building into our practices as a staff, but I wanted to highlight one paragraph that is worth noting when considering why students ‘don’t enjoy behaving at school’ and perhaps why we are seeing more anxiety in our students.

    Students face a day full of assessment of their character, judgement, knowledge and skills by (teachers), their peers, friends and strangers. If a student fears looking (silly) or inadequate in some way, it is natural to assume they may not view the school day with joy. Even able students can be made uncomfortable by the dislike of being judged, if they derive more anxiety from the fear of failure than from the joy of success. (Pg. 67)

    As teachers, and as parents, we can sometimes wonder why there is a reluctance to try things or to take risks, even when a child seems to be successful, or why behaviours present as a way to avoid ‘being assessed’. Having an awareness of some of these anxieties, assist us to work on understanding why students lack motivation.

    2025 Kahoot! Online Trivia Night

    A reminder that the School Community Council online trivia night is being held this Friday night. All families and fiends are invited to join this fun evening of quiz questions, games and activities – all in the comfort of home. Please see the flyer below and RSVP so we can plan for a great event. More details sent out via Compass.


    School and family Counsellor

    St Joseph’s has a School and Family Counsellor working at the school every Monday and Tuesday. Michelle is very keen to be active and known in the school and has visited classrooms to introduce herself and to get to know a little more about the students. Please feel free to touch base with Michelle if you have any questions or concerns relating to the counselling service at the school -

    Please use this link to complete a referral for Michelle to make contact with you -

    Happy Families

    A reminder that St Joseph’s is subscribed to the Happy Families School Membership!

    We will regularly share resources available through our membership with you, including Insight Articles and Webinars. You can also access your resources at any time using the below URL (unique to our school) and password.

    URL -

    Password – happysjps

    Please make the most of this membership by accessing and perusing the great articles and past webinars. If there are resources that you find useful, please share these with other parents and let me know, so I can promote them across the school.

    This week I have included a recent Insights article on Bullying. St Joseph’s, as all schools do, experiences times of challenging behaviours and occasionally, bullying. The key messaging that is important to highlight is the need for open and honest communication between home and school to address any concerns. This article clearly outlines some points that support this communication and strategies for dealing with bullying behaviours.

    Navigating the Bullying Maze

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant

    Read Less

    St Joseph’s Day

    Wednesday the 19th of March, the school will be celebrating the feast day of St Joseph. The day will begin with Mass at 9:15am in the church and followed by a variety of activities throughout the day about St Joseph.

    All students will also participate in a pilgrimage for St Joseph during the day that will culminate in the opening of our own Holy Door for the 2025 Jubilee year of Hope.



    What is a Holy Door?

    During a Jubilee Year, the Catholic Church marks a special time of grace, renewal, and spiritual growth, highlighted by the opening of a Holy Door in designated basilicas around the world. The Holy Door symbolises a path to deeper faith, mercy, and forgiveness, inviting the people to experience God’s love. Walking through the Holy Door is an opportunity for people to seek a closer relationship with God. We, here at St Joseph’s, are creating our own Holy Door as a symbol to remind us to embrace God’s call to love others, live in faith and provide service to others.



    Human Dignity – We made in the image of God

    Human life is sacred. We are all made in the image of God, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age or ability. The Catholic Social teaching of Human Dignity teaches us that no person should have to live in poverty, hunger, oppression or injustice.

    We can all teach our children to show Human Dignity towards others by:

    • encouraging them to include others in their games;
    • showing them that going without something can provide others with what they need;
    • teaching them to speak up about injustices; and
    • sharing ways others live without the basic needs to develop empathy.

    A great place to start is also by participating in St Joseph’s Project Compassion Fundraising Campaign.


    Project Compassion


    This Lent, we are called to Unite Against Poverty through Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion.  Together, we can help to show others we care about their dignity. By working together, we can make our world a fairer place and provide our sisters and brothers with the basic needs we take for granted.

    Students encouraged to bring in a donation or their change from the canteen and place it inside their class’s Project Compassion box. Your generous support this Lenten season will enable Caritas Australia to provide life-changing support to communities facing poverty, food insecurity, lack of education, and water shortages, while building resilience against future challenges. Together, through faith and action, we can bring compassion and opportunity to those most in need.

    Free Dress Day to raise much needed money will be held on Friday the 28th of March. More details will be included in the next newsletter.


    With the Holy Spirit

    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator

    Air dried clay statues, homemade bookmarks and lots of laughter and ‘messy fun’ have accompanied our Defence Kids Club these past two weeks.

    A special thank you to several of our senior Defence students and friends who have given up many lunch breaks to spend time creating an art piece to enter in the Finding Freedom competition. A lot of time has been spent to produce a beautiful, thoughtful piece that defines what freedom means to them. Well done to all of you. 



    Next weekend! Invictus Australia - Defence Community Sports Expo - Tuggeranong 

    ACT Defence Community Sports Expo - Saturday 22nd March. 11am - 3pm,  Tuggeranong Archery Club, Greenway.

    So many sports all in one place! Join Invictus Australia for a thrilling family sports day. Come and try archery, pickleball, indoor rowing, wheelchair sports and many more. Held in collaboration with organisations passionate about the Defence community. There will be face painting, fairy floss and fun for the whole family. This is a free activity for the Defence community. To find out more or to register your interest visit: 


    DMFS Events during March/April

    Soldier On: Wednesday BBQ lunches: 26th March 12:30-2:30pm Brindabella Park – beside the oval/table tennis tables and 19th March 12:30-2:30pm at Russell Offices

    Duntroon Community Centre: Easter Egg Hunt – Sunday 13th April 1pm -3:30pm Duntroon House Officers Mess Gardens: Events | Duntroon Community Centre | TidyHQ


    Have a lovely week.

    Lisa Bauer

    Defence Support Mentor



    Hi Parents and Families,

    This term on Friday 28th March (Week 8), The Snack Shack will be holding a Bake Sale at first and second break unless sold out. 

    There will be lots of yummy treats available with all the proceeds going back into The Snack Shack and school community. 

    But most of all, a little fun for the end of the term!



    Canteen Manager 

      Uniform Shop News

      Opening Hours Uniform Shop 2024 w2t2.png

      Congratulations to the Week 6 award recipients: 

      Foundation Red

      Montana L-C

      Kasch S

      Milan T

      Foundation White

      Louie W

      Ava H

      1 Purple

      Hannah F

      Griffin B

      1 Teal

      Tye P

      Luciano R

      2 Magenta

      Andi T

      Lana F

      2 Yellow

      Logan B-B

      Leonetta R

      3 Black

      Thinley C

      Oliver M

      Alfred G

      3 Navy

      Xavier P-E

      Leo M

      4 Gold

      Ishane D

      Kathrine M

      Melissa B-A

      4 Green

      Mason I

      Abi S

      5 Blue

      Isaac K

      Rishaan M

      5 Orange

      Azrielle T

      Kyle A

      6 Lime

      Fergus M

      Isabella P

      6 Silver

      Samuel S

      Atiana B



      Adam L

      Remy U


      Ivy E

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:

      Eli W
      Ari W
      Alice M
      Japnoor D
      Leilani F
      Charlie T



      Girl Guides w2t1.PNG