St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 4 Term 1 2025 Newsletter

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Week 4 Term 1 2025 Newsletter

    Father in heaven,

    may the faith you have given us

    in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,

    and the flame of charity enkindled

    in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,

    reawaken in us the blessed hope

    for the coming of your Kingdom.

    This week marks the first of our class masses that we share with the parish. These are significant for several reasons, but most importantly they provide the opportunity for our students to encounter Christ through the Eucharist. Alongside this, our student’s attendance at masses strengthens their sense of belonging in our faith-based community. All families are welcome at our regular class/parish masses and your presence is valued by our students on these occasions.


    Parent Interviews

    Thank you to all parents who made themselves available to meet with class teachers in support of your children. These early interviews are a valuable foundation to ongoing partnerships between parents and teachers. An effective way to reflect with your child following these conferences is to share the positive feedback that was given and support them with setting a goal for their learning this semester.


    Afternoon Pickup

    With fences in place and the impending demolition of our buildings, we are actively trying to streamline our pickup and carline processes. To assist you with pickup, please communicate with your child whether you will be arriving in the carline so that they know where to wait for you.

    • Students who ride and walk (with or without their parents) will wait on the deck outside Year 1/2.
    • Parents who park and wait outside of the car for their child will also meet their children on the deck.
    • Students must remain with the teacher on duty until they are collected.

    There is greater demand on the carpark presently, and we ask that to assist with moving traffic through, that once you have collected your child you make parking available to other parents. Our afterschool provider has exclusive use of the playground areas after school, so we ask you to keep this area clear to enable them to safely run their program.


    Yours in Christ,

    Beth Hawkes

    Read Less

    St Joseph Sacramental Program Enrolment

    The 2025 Sacramental Program for St Joseph’s Parish is now open and the first sacrament to be celebrated is Reconciliation. Please enrol your child using the link below for all Sacraments.

    Enrolment for Sacraments

    RE News w4t1.png


    First Reconciliation Program Dates – for Year 3 and older who are Baptised

    • 1st Parent/Child Session: Tuesday 4 March 2025 5.30-6.30pm in the St Joseph's Parish Centre.
    • 2nd Parent/Child Session: Wednesday 12 March 2025 5.30-6.30pm in the St Joseph's Parish Centre.
    • Student Retreat Wednesday 25 March 2025 School Hours (9am to 3pm).
    • First Reconciliation Sacrament Wednesday 26 March 2025 6pm in the St Joseph's Parish Church.


    First Holy Communion / Eucharist - Year 4 and older who have made their Reconciliation

    • In June 2025 (please see link above for more details)


    Confirmation - Year 6 and older who have made their First Holy Communion

    • In August/ September 2025 (please see link above for more details)

    For more information, please email.


    Pope Francis


    The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church and the Bishop of Rome. He serves as the head of the Vatican City State and is responsible for guiding the Church's teachings, doctrine, and global outreach.

    Our current Pope, Francis, became the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church in 2013, making history as the first pope from the Americas and the first Jesuit pope. He is known for his emphasis on humility, social justice, environmental issues, and a more inclusive approach to Church teachings.

    As many of you may have heard in the news Pope Francis has been unwell. Here at school, we have been praying for his peace and good health in class. You may like to pray the following prayer at home as a family as well.

    We thank you for the loving service of Pope Francis and the hope he has inspired in so many in your great mercy.

    Have mercy on him in his illness now, we pray and guide the medical staff in his care.

    Grant him peace and healing. Through Christ our Lord.



    Ash Wednesday 5 March 2025

    Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and reflection leading up to Easter. It is a significant day in our school calendar, where students will attend Mass and receive ashes on their foreheads as a symbol of repentance and a reminder of our connection to God. Students will be encouraged to reflect on how they can show kindness, compassion, and generosity towards those less fortunate than themselves during the Lenten season.

    Parents are welcome to join the school community at 9:15am in the St Joseph’s Church for Ash Wednesday.


    Upcoming Key Dates

    27th February – 6 Lime and 2 Yellow Class Mass 9:15am

    5th March – Whole school – Ash Wednesday Mass 9:15am

    11th March - 6 Silver and 2 Magenta Class Mass 9:15am

    18th March – Year 3 Class Mass 9:15am

    19th March – St Joseph Feast Day Mass 9:15am & opening of St Joseph’s own Holy Door


    With the Holy Spirit

    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator

    These past two weeks at Defence Kids Club have included a batch of fairy bread making, and making purple poppies to remember War Animal - Purple Poppy day.

    We are also enjoying the chance to do some creative writing and art work as a group of our older students work on submitting entries into the upcoming Finding Freedom Competition.

    Have you seen the book Anzac Ted at the library? This book was a donation by our departing 2024 Defence families and is a beautifully illustrated story by Belinda Landsberry. Anzac Ted might look scary – but there’s more to this battered old bear than meets the eye! This is a story about the Anzac spirit and how, through courage, loyalty and love, a child’s teddy bear helped to bring our soldiers home.



    Invictus Australia - Defence Community Sports Expo - Tuggeranong ACT

    Come along to the ACT Defence Community Sports Expo on 22nd March. 11am - 3pm at the Tuggeranong Archery Club, Greenway.

    So many sports all in one place! Join Invictus Australia for a thrilling family sports day. Come and try archery, pickleball, indoor rowing, wheelchair sports and many more. Held in collaboration with organisations passionate about the Defence community. There will be face painting, fairy floss and fun for the whole family. This is a free activity for the Defence community. To find out more or to register your interest visit: 


    Gungahlin Defence Families Play Group
    Thursdays 9:30-11:30am Nicholls Community House, 30 Kelleway Ave, Nicholls Age: 0-5 Cost: $4

    The Gungahlin Defence Families Playgroup is a relaxed and friendly playgroup held in Nicholls, Canberra. It caters to both Defence and civilian families with children from newborn to preschool age. The playgroup provides a supportive environment for parents and kids to connect, play, and socialise. This event is FREE, but please reserve your ticket to secure your spot!
    If you’re interested, you can find more information on our Facebook group or visit the ACT Playgroups Association page for details. Email:


    Have a lovely week.

    Lisa Bauer

    Defence Support Mentor



    Hi Parents and Families,

    The start of the term has been very busy already which is fantastic! Thank you to the volunteers that have been coming in every week to help keep up with all the lunches.

    The Snack Shack works with the St Joseph's Change Makers to make us more sustainable. We want that to continue, while reducing unnecessary costs of replacing items used for lunch orders.

    Can you please remind your children when they receive a lunch order to place their containers and bags in the correct places and not in the garbage bin.

    The red and pink tubs are for the dirty containers, cups, spoons and forks.

    (These are washed and reused)


    The pink wheelie pin is for the empty brown bags the lunch orders come in.

    (We shred these for the compost, garden beds and chickens)



    The white bin is for foil only. 

    (When you have enough to put in a large ball it can be recycled) 

    Everything else goes in the bin! 



      Uniform Shop News

      Opening Hours Uniform Shop 2024 w2t2.png

      Congratulations to the Week 4 award recipients: 

      Foundation Red

      Awards begin Week 6

      Foundation White

      Awards begin Week 6

      1 Purple

      Fox O

      Alessandro B

      1 Teal

      Alivia T

      Goch K

      2 Magenta

      Stan B

      Luke B

      2 Yellow

      Olivia M

      Aiden O-R

      3 Black

      Amelia B

      Billy T

      Michael H

      3 Navy

      Lily B


      4 Gold

      Laura P

      Hamish M

      Beatrice H

      4 Green

      Nicholas G

      Remy U

      5 Blue

      Ryan L

      Rinisha G

      5 Orange

      Augustus M

      Evelyne C

      6 Lime

      Elena S

      Beau W

      6 Silver

      Ariadne M

      Edmund G



      Lyndsae B

      Vivienne B


      Claire A

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:

      Hugo M
      Austin J
      Nicholas G



      Girl Guides w2t1.PNG