St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 8 Term 3 2024 Newsletter

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Week 8 Term 3 2024 Newsletter

    And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."
    Colossians 3:23-24 

    Dear parents and carers,

    Over the last few weeks, we have had the opportunity to admire the achievements and greatness of our students and our community. A wise man once said: “greatness is not about our victories or our wealth, it is knowing the meaning of life for your soul and then living it.”  It is always wonderful to witness our students demonstrating great courage and commitment to those things that are important to them.


    Tournament of Minds

    We are extremely proud of our Tournament of Minds teams who competed last weekend at ANU. It was the culmination of many months of sacrificed play time to prepare for this challenging event. A heartfelt thankyou to the students for representing St Joseph’s so admirably, Mrs Fletcher for her unwavering support of these students and our upper primary teachers who provided additional supervision and worked as judges across the weekend. Excitingly we have three teams who progressed to the final to be held in several weeks.


    Battle for Australia Commemoration

    Last Wednesday Mr Tarrant and our defence mentor Mrs. Bauer were accompanied by 4 of our senior defence students as they attended the Battle for Australia Commemoration at the Australian War Memorial. The ceremony was an opportunity to reflect on the bravery of those who served on Australia's home front, the islands, the seas and in the skies. It was an important reminder of a challenging time for Australians between 1942 and 1945. Our student’s respectful participation and laying of a wreath honoured the legacy of those who fought for our freedom.



    Our Year 6 students are in the final stages of their preparation for Confirmation this Saturday at 6pm. Today the students took part in a Confirmation retreat day and tomorrow they will spend time meeting with Archbishop Prowse in preparation for their ceremony on Saturday. We keep all our students as well as the children from the Parish in our prayers, as they confirm the promises made when they were baptised.  


    Code Club

    St Joseph’s will continue to host Code Club in Term 4. The club is held during a break time at school. Please see the attached information if you think your child may be interested.


    Trivia Night

    On Saturday evening our Community Council hosted a very successful Trivia evening. We have the greatest gratitude for Frances McNamara and Dale Percival for all their work behind the scenes and to Rob Scott for being our MC for the night. Thank you to all those parents who contributed prizes, donations, and their time to ensure the evening was a success.  It was fantastic to see so many parents and members of our extended community as they tested their Olympics knowledge!


    Community Council Open Meeting

    This evening at 6:30pm we have our Community Council open meeting in an online format. It is an opportunity to give and receive feedback about a variety of things currently happening in the school. Discussion topics include 2024 NAPLAN results, newly acquired STEM resources, Admin Building Project, Playground upgrade, and Community Council projects. Please see COMPASS for the meeting link.


    Yours in Christ,

    Beth Hawkes

    Read Less

    Around the School


    Foundation students have been learning about the symbols and items inside a church. They visited St Joseph’s Church and looked at everything inside and out. The students have also been learning about personal prayer and have written their own prayers. Please take the time to read the prayers below.


    Year 1

    Year 1 students have been learning about the Beatitudes, what they mean and how we can use them to be kind to others. They made some Beatitude flowers.


    Year 2

    Year 2 have been learning about some Old Testament stories and unpacking the characters within the stories and how God’s nature was shared through them. They have just begun to look at Moses and 2 Yellow have used their prayer space to explain the story of Moses.


    Year 6

    Year 6 held their Confirmation Retreat today and learnt about the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit as well as the meaning behind some of the symbols used in Confirmation.

    Fire represents God’s presence – which is why we use candles in prayer and at Mass.

    Wind represents life – the breath of God lives within.

    Oil of Chrism shows that the newly confirmed are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Please pray for the following students as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday the 14th of September.

    Alex Emily Maddison
    Alice Evie Makur
    Anna Genevieve Marvin
    Anna Henry Mary
    Bonnie  James J Patrick
    Bridie James M Ryan
    Caetano Julian Scarlett
    Dylan Kathy Sophia A
    Edward Lara Sophia R
    Emanuel Luke


    With the Holy Spirit,

    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator

    Sustainability in Action

    Food waste no more!

    Back by popular demand is our OzHarvest Feast program. Students are thinking critically about the devastating effects of food waste, and how we can design recipes to combat this issue. Rainbow Rolls and Bircher Muesli Bowls are our two new favourite meals!


    Walk to School on Friday



    Please join us at 8:15 as we walk from O’Connor shops, meeting in front of Flat Heads. We hope you will join us as we reduce our carbon emissions!




    “No one is born a great cook; one learns by doing.” - Julia Child

    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Many thanks to our year 6 students, Henry, Evelyn, Mia and Sophia who accompanied Mr Tarrant and myself to the Battle for Australia Commemorative Ceremony on Wednesday 4th September at the Australian War Memorial. You were wonderful representatives of the school and participated in the ceremony with beautiful reverence and thoughtfulness. 

    Kids Club has been full of fun this past fortnight with playdough, drawing, loombands and the smarties game.


    Have a great week, 

    Lisa Bauer

    Defence Support Mentor



    Soldier On 

    Soldier On is a non-for-profit organisation delivering holistic support services that enable current and former Australia Defence Force personnel and their families, to lead meaningful civilian lives. Soldier On offers a range of regular fitness and family events which may be of interest. Details of all events can be found at Soldier On Australia. If you are interested in attending or would like information on these events, please email:


    Australian Military Wives Choir

    Singing each 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursday - Defence connected female voices 

    Did you know that singing can positively influence your brain?

    Wives, partners, girlfriends, mothers, daughters, sisters, serving ADF members, reservists & women whose connection may have recently changed are all welcome. No audition.

    Email: or visit:

      Uniform Shop News
      Opening Hours Uniform Shop 2024 w2t2.png

      Congratulations to the Week 8 award recipients: 

      Foundation Red

      Flynn B

      Rohan B

      Foundation White

      Elise C

      Hugo D

      1 Purple

      Annabelle S

      Lana F

      1 Teal

      Kobi P

      Zaria R

      2 Magenta

      Asher F

      Freddie D

      Fynn A

      2 Yellow

      Harriet P

      William A

      Emmy M

      3 Black

      Ewan S

      Zachary T

      Oliver W

      3 Navy

      Donald M

      Poppy Z

      Kayle K

      4 Gold

      Ivy S

      Amari P

      4 Green

      Ryan L

      Tshering Y

      5 Blue

      Annabelle F

      Patrick M

      5 Orange

      Ariadne M

      Levi I

      6 Lime

      James M

      Laura C

      6 Silver

      Caetano A-M

      Oliver L

      Sophia R


      Alice G


      Mia B

      Sophia A

      Henry A

      Evelyn H

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Kyan S
      Charlee F
      Florence J
      Kathrine M
      Amani N



      NFSA'S Arc Cinema


      Pizza & Pyjamas | Toy Story | 6 pm, Fri 13 Sep

      The 1990s Pixar animated classic that introduced Woody, Buzz and their talking toy friends to the world. Come in your comfiest PJs, bring your favourite teddy or blanket, and enjoy this extra-cosy, Friday night family special with pizza on arrival (included with ticket). 




      School Holidays at NFSA Acton | 2–9 Oct

      Babe, Peter Rabbit, Red Dog and the musical fairies of FernGully return to the big screen in October for NFSA Acton’s school holiday matinee screening program.




      School Holidays | FernGully: The Last Rainforest | 1 pm, Wed 2 Oct

      The magical rainforest of FernGully faces a logging threat in this beautiful 1992 musical animation with a strong environmental message.



      Babe_Chris Noonan, 1995_poster.jpg

      School Holidays | Babe | 1 pm, Fri 4 Oct

      Orphaned pig Babe finds himself on the Hoggett farm where he is adopted into an eccentric community of talking animals. Australia’s highest grossing children’s film, Babe is a timeless, uplifting classic. 




      School Holidays | Peter Rabbit | 1 pm, Tue 8 Oct

      This contemporary adaptation brings Beatrix Potter’s beloved storybook characters to life for a new generation. 




      School Holidays | Red Dog | 1 pm, Wed 9 Oct

      Australian kelpie Koko stars as Red in this iconic Australian family film about a stray dog who wins the hearts of a remote mining community.


