St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 6 Term 2 2024 Newsletter

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Week 6 Term 2 2024 Newsletter

    As a Catholic, with the opportunity to lead a Catholic school, it is a privilege to find ways to share the message of Jesus and our faith, and to break open Scripture and the gospels. Until recently, it never occurred to me that Jesus had to do just the same.

    Often we worry about the true meaning of the Scriptures and the messages of Jesus. However, in reading the linked article from Richard Rohr, The Heart of Truth - from Only My Truth, I believe there is something worthwhile to consider. Jesus was Jewish, and therefore spent His ministry breaking open the Hebrew Scriptures. Just like us, He was selective, and also applied His interpretation of Scripture to share an important message. 

    I invite parents to read the article and to be reassured that when our children ask questions about faith and about Jesus’ message, that we are right to make meaning from our own interpretation. 

    School Community Council

    Following the most recent School Community Council Exec Meeting, some key dates and events have been locked in. Please see the attached Community Council Calendar. Most important now is to start having some plans in place for these events, and to have people offer to help out.

    A new email address has been set up for the School Community Council – that allows for all parents to be able to contact the Council Exec, provide feedback and comment, and to raise any items for the Open Meeting Agenda.

    Community Council Executive

    Parish Priest – Fr Anthony (Thonn) Riosa

    Principal – Cameron Tarrant

    Chair – Linda Uzubalis

    Vice Chair – Pip Cleary

    Secretary – Alicia Porter

    Treasurer – Niki Best

    ELC Director – Beth Lehmensich

    Staff Rep – Beth Hawkes

    Parent Rep – Sarah O’Brien

    Parent Rep  – Lisa Barnwell   

    A reminder that all parents and carers at the school are members of the School Community Council. Therefore, all are welcome and invited to contribute in any way that suits them and supports the efforts of the school.

    Our next Open Meeting is on Wednesday 19 June at 7.00pm. Please consider joining this meeting and offering any support to the planned events or to foster the overall efforts of the Council to promote our school.

    Nachos Day

    A huge thank you and well done to Nichole Hanlon and Zaria, Julie-Anne Wilson, Sarah McDougall, Kimberley McDonald and Matthew O’Brien for preparing 220 containers of nachos yesterday! What a feat to have that many students able to enjoy a special lunch. The Nachos Day will have raised around $1200, which will go towards the Community Council’s contribution to more class novels, supporting some new playground equipment in the ELC and some AV equipment for the school to assist with making online meetings and professional learning more effective.

    Start of School

    All parents are asked to have children at school in time for morning gathering at 8.50am. This allows them to settle into the day with their peers and provides a calmer start for the teachers without students trickling in to class. It also means that parents are not needing to come into the Front Office to sign children in, taking the pressure off everyone. Please make this a priority.

    Parish News

    Positions on the St Joseph’s Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council are open for self-nomination by members of our parish and school from 1 July 2024.  Father Thonn needs a reliable group of people to help with the organisation and improvement of our parish.  The councils currently meet monthly at 6pm on a Tuesday in the parish centre.  If you have skills that you would like to put to work in service of St Joseph’s parishioners, please email Father Thonn with your name, and a brief description of the gifts and talents you would like to share with the parish.

    Rostrum Speeches

    Each year our Year 6 students prepare and present speeches as part of the Rostrum Act Primary Schools Speaking Competition. This year some the topics included a new Olympic sport, bad advice, get involved, and how exhausting. Each student prepares a 3 minute speech to present to their class, with 2 finalists chosen to then present again to an impartial judge – me! Well done to Oliver L, Maddison D, Dylan M and Natara H for presenting their speeches as part of the school final. Congratulations to Maddison D on winning the school final, presenting her speech on gender equality, under the topic how exhausting. Maddison now goes on to represent the school at the quarter finals at Lyneham Primary on Monday 17 June.

    Happy Schools

    Please see linked this week's Insights article from Happy Families on Teaching Children That Mistakes Are Okay. This is such an important aspect of teaching and raising children. 

    Interschools Snowsports

    A reminder that we are seeking interest from families wishing for their child/ren to enter the 2024 Interschools Snowsports races this winter, and to represent St Joseph’s. For more information, please see the attached Interschools Flyer.

    St Vincent de Paul CEO Sleepout


    This year I have committed to joining the 2024 Vinnies CEO Sleepout on Thursday 20 June. While I pledged to raise $4000 to support those in need… I am now sitting at $4149! Thank you to all who have supported this wonderful cause by making a contribution or sending in a gold coin donation last week. I have just found out that from 8am tomorrow, Thursday 6 June, all donations up to $1000 will be doubled! To get your donation matched, please donate right on 8am tomorrow, and not a second before. The match will continue until the ACT event reaches $60,000 in matched funding…which could be just minutes!

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

    Read Less

    Holy Eucharist

    What is the Eucharist?

    The Holy Eucharist or more commonly know as communion, is the meeting point in which Jesus gives himself to believers. Believers receive his Body and Blood in the form of consecrated bread and wine. Consecration happens when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. The Crucified and Risen Lord is present in communion. Those who receive the Holy Eucharist are filled and strengthened and are in communion with Christ and each other.  


    First Holy Eucharist

    On June 15th some of our students will receive their First Communion. Please keep these students in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.

    Adam Eloise Madeline
    Axel Fergus Rinisha
    Ayla Gwendolyn Rishaan
    Azrielle Isabella Ryan L
    Beatrice Isla Ryan Mc
    Charlee Isaac Samuel
    Charlie Ivy Tresa
    Claire Jackson Zara
    Elena Kyle


    Spanish Hail Mary

    Have you heard or had a go at saying the Hail Mary in Spanish? Mrs McGee has been teaching all the students to say this for morning gatherings on a Tuesday morning. Ask your child to say it with you or maybe even get them to teach you how to say it.


    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator

    Read Less

    Sustainability in Action

    Request for supplies: Our clever Year 1's have completed their semester long unit on bees, and would like to design some ‘Bee Cafes’ to encourage pollinators around our Kitchen Garden. If you would like to donate any of the following items - please send them in with your child!

    • Old gum boots (doesn’t have to be a pair)
    • Ceramic pots
    • Potting soil
    • Stones
    • Different flowers/ flowering plants 
    • Be creative! If you have an old colourful item that would make a great pot, please send it in.


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    On Friday the 31st of May, a large group of students set out to compete in the Regional North Canberra/Gunghalin Cross Country. The students did not let the poor weather deter them and all competitors put in a wonderful effort on the day in tough conditions. Congratulations to all those involved.

    Sports w6t2.png

    There were several standout performances on the day. The first being Hugo M who won the 8 years boys race. The second was Oliver L who came second in the 12 years boys. Notable mentions to Maggie H and Verity L who also finished within the top 10 and will advance through to the ACT Championships next Friday. Good luck to these students next week!


    Hello parents and families,


    Have you found the specially marked Eco Cube stick yet? Gwen from 4 Green did!
    Don't stop looking now, there is still 1 more to find - bring to the Snack Shack to claim your prize! 


      Uniform Shop News


      Congratulations to the Week 6 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Choeying L

      Aiden N

      Foundation White

      Luciano R

      Sarah G

      1 Purple

      Henry M

      Rudy M

      1 Teal

      Ameya M

      Emily L

      Finlay M

      2 Magenta

      Aliir A

      Kenzington S

      Parker N

      2 Yellow

      Xavier P-E

      Matilda G

      3 Black

      Filipa F

      Hamish M

      Louis D

      3 Navy

      Diya H

      Audrey G

      Beatrice H

      Jack S

      Kyan S

      George H

      4 Gold

      Eloise M

      Kyle A

      4 Green

      Claire A

      Droduel T

      5 Blue

      Evie M

      Annabelle F

      5 Orange

      Sofia W

      Sebastian S

      6 Lime

      Clementine S

      Zach B

      6 Silver

      Julian F

      Emily G


      George H

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Dion B
      Laura P
      Julian G
      Lukas G
      Beatrice J
      Astrid P
      Leo M

      ParentLine w8t1.JPG