Dear parents and carers.
A challenge of having rules and expectations, is the effort it takes to initially state these expectations and then to see them through. There is a need to explain what is wanted, to model and to reinforce what these expectations look like, and to support children as they attempt, and fail at times, to meet these expectations.
How do we want our children to treat others? What do we expect from them when they are speaking to adults, or following instructions? How do we support them to respond to not getting what they want or having our full attention? The list goes on.
It is difficult to remain consistent when sometimes there are reasons that meeting the expectations may not quite be as important, or when we are weary of reinforcing the expectations and having to bring in consequences which further add to the challenge.
Are we resolute enough to stick it out… to stay true to what we expect and to support our children to be the best they can be? Is it important enough to commit to restating… ‘that is not what we do’, ‘that is not ok’, ‘stop. I need you to…’
And that’s just when being a parent.
This same challenge exists here at St Joseph's.
As a school we are specifically stating what our expectations are, particularly for transitions into and around the school. If you have been at Morning Gathering, you will have heard myself and all teachers outlining what the students are expected to do, and why. At the core of this expectation, is the need to support improved learning and teaching.
We are also committed to stating to the students that some behaviours are not acceptable and are not supporting learning and teaching, nor helping form or maintain positive relationships. It is not ok to be physical with each other. It is not ok to use inappropriate language on the playground or to make inappropriate noises in the classroom. It is not ok to scream and interrupt the school experience of others. We have 370 children and 45 adults in our school and ELC, all who need to have a learning and working environment that is safe, respectful and enjoyable.
We all have a shared role in supporting the growth and development of the children in our lives. At school, we are seeking to reinforce the same expectations that are, in the most part, at home. We have a collective responsibility to state, model and support high expectations. We also have an obligation to foster the connection between school and home, and to not accept behaviours that don’t allow our children to grow and to learn to be socially appropriate.
I encourage all parents to see the importance of setting expectations, supporting those that we have at school, and to feel affirmed in the fact that we are working together to nurture the development of confident, positive and caring young people.
School Community Council
The inaugural School Community Council meeting was held last week. Thank you to those who were able to attend and to take on specific roles on the newly appointed Executive. While the purpose last week was to set up the formal governance structure, the actual intended role of the School Community Council is to welcome all parents and carers into discussions and decision making around important activities across the school.
While we had small numbers attend the first meeting, it is likely that the next meeting will be communicated as a ‘town hall’ opportunity to bring members of our school community together. I encourage all parents and carers to be familiar with those who are on the Executive, and to take to them any key ideas or questions that can support the school. A date for the next meeting will be set in the coming days.
Parish Priest |
Fr Athnonny (Thonn) Riosa |
Principal |
Cameron Tarrant |
Chair |
Linda Uzubalis |
Deputy Chair |
Pip Cleary |
Secretary |
Alicia Porter |
Treasurer |
Niki Best |
ELC Director |
Beth Lehmensich |
Staff Rep |
Beth Hawkes |
Parent Rep |
Sarah O'Brien |
Parent Rep (Communications) |
Vacant |
Parent / Teacher Meet interviews
Parent / Teacher Interviews are set for next Monday to Thursday. Information has been sent out via Compass, and a link to make a booking with your child’s teacher is set up on your child’s Compass profile. It is important that parents take this opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss the start to the school year and to share any insights that will support your child's learning.

NAPLAN testing for students in Year 3 and Year 5 will occur between
13 and 20 March 2024.
NAPLAN provides valuable information to schools and parents about literacy and numeracy achievement. It supports school improvement processes by enabling teachers to monitor student progress over time and to identify areas of strength and development.
Please speak to your child's teacher or contact the school if you have any questions.
Fee remissions
School fee statements are due to be provided to families early next week. Please be aware that Catholic Education has resolved that fees will be invoiced term by term for 2024, rather than annually as communicated at the end of 2023. As part of the school fees communications to be sent out, there will also be an email sent to all parents from seeking continued support of the Catholic Schools’ Building Fund. This opt-in contribution is used to maintain the facilities at St Joseph’s, and Catholic schools in general.
Catholic Education respects and understands that choosing a Catholic education reflects commitment to your child's well-being and personal growth in a non-governmental setting. We value this choice and want to ensure that financial concerns do not hinder your child's educational journey. If you would like to discuss accessing fee concessions, please see the linked Fee Concession Letter that outlines the process and make a time to meet with me.
School and Family Counsellor
Anna Cater, School and family Counsellor from Cahtolic Care, will be running a parent program Tuning into Kids. Please see linked below a flyer to the program.
Tuning into Kids Program
Have a great end to the week.
Yours in Christ,