St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 2 Term 4 2023 Newsletter

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Week 2 Term 4 2023 Newsletter


    Loving God,

    I offer you today

    All that I do, think and say.

    I offer you my work, my prayers, my play.

    I shall do my very best to make them pleasing to you,

    And with your help,

    My whole day will be my gift to you.

    St Mary of the Cross, pray for us.

    St Joseph, pray for us.

    Dear parents and carers,

    It is incredible that the year is passing by so quickly, but there is so much to look forward to in the coming months, that we do not want to simply rush through to the end of the year. Today, I have included our school prayer as an introduction, as I really do ask the students to think of the words as they say it each morning. Each day is a gift, and often we (I) can miss that gift because life is just too busy. Take some time today to think of what blessings might surround you, even as you frantically try to get the kids to sport, or into bed, or when you are writing a Newsetter article… there is a ‘gift’ in each day that we receive and give to others and to God.

    Registration Report

    At the end of Term 3 we received our report from the panel who conducted our Registration Process. Below is the report to the community, which I encourage all parents to read. I am incredibly proud of our school and the Registration Process and report affirms many of the things that occur each day. Thank you to everyone in our school community that contributes to what makes St Joseph’s a special place.


    peter_pan.pngWell, the time has come and the final touches are being made in preparation for the opening performance. Thank you to Tiffany Fletcher and all the staff and students for their efforts over recent months to be ready. Ticket sales have been amazing, with Jenny and I watching Qkr! with surprise on Monday… Taylor Swift would be impressed!

    A reminder that all students need to attend both nights as they are all incolved in each performance. If parents are not attending evening performances, then students need to be dropped off at 6pm and can be collected again at 8.10pm. Students are to leave their costumes at school to ensure we have everything needed.

    Final information will be sent out prior to the first performance on Tuesday 24 October.


    Interviews for the Assistant Principal and Religious Education Coorindator positions are being undertaken over the coming week. I look forward to announcing the new Leadership Team for 2024 as soon as possible.

    Parish Jubilee

    Saturday 28th October | Golden Jubilee Multicultural Celebration | From 9am | St Joseph’s Parish
    Our 50th Year Celebration is here! Multicultural Day is a day of celebration with programs and performances as well as showcasing of food from different cultures and religious groups. Everybody is welcome. Let’s bring our families and friends as we reminisce the history of our beloved Parish and enjoy our friendship.

    • 9.00am
    Adoration of the Eucharist
    • 10.00am
    Multicultural - Concelebrated Mass with the Vicar General
    • 11.00am
    Unveiling of the Welcome to Country Plaque
    • 11.30am
    Food stalls, auction of Religious Icon, and performances including by St Joseph’s Primary School
    • 2.00pm
    Donna-Maree Dunlop, Internationally acclaimed Former Principal Artist of Opera Australia in Recital with Songs of Praise and Hymns. Entry by Donation.
    • 3.00pm
    Jubilee Concludes

    Saturday 28th October | Donna- Maree Dunlop, Former Principal Artist of Opera Australia, In Recital with Songs of Praise and Hymns | 2pm | St Joseph’s Church

    Join us on Saturday 28th October at 2pm at St Joseph's Church in O'Connor as we conclude St Joseph's Golden Jubilee Multicultural Day in a glorious celebration of praise with internationally acclaimed Mezzo Soprano, Donna-Maree Dunlop. Songs include: How Great thou Art, Ave Maria, Morning has Broken, and Panis Angelicus. Entry by donation. An event not to be missed for the whole family.

    Stewardship and Resources

    As communicated last term, thank you to the P&F for their contribution to some addional resourcing across the school. We have now received our new House banners, the readers have arrived for our younger students, there are additonal bibles in Year 3 – 6, and we are in the process of ordering multiple class sets of novels for upper grades. As a school we continue to look for ways to best resource teaching and learning, as well as support other areas of the school. Contributions from the P&F come directly from fund raising events such as the school fete and the trivia night, but school funding also comes from the school levies as part of school fees. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school.

    You may have heard that the spider web equipment on the Adventure Playground has been removed – it was showing significant signs of wear and tear. Unfortunately, it will take some time for the new climbing web to be manufactured and installed, but I thank the School Board for their support in funding the replacement of this much-loved piece of play equipment.

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

    Read Less

    Grandparents and Special Friends Day Friday 27 October

    Next week our community will gather for our Musical performances and Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Our Grandparents and Special Friends Day Prayer Celebration will be led by Foundation in the Hall at 9.15 on Friday 27 October. Guests are then invited to visit our classrooms before sharing in a Devonshire Morning Tea afterwards. Keep an eye out for information about how to order your scones for the morning tea.


    St Joseph’s Parish Golden Jubilee Saturday 28 October

    Nest Saturday, St Joseph’s Parish, O’Connor will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. Rev. Fr. Richard Thompson (Vicar-General) will grace the event with a Eucharistic celebration at 10am. This “Multicultural Day” is a day of celebration with programs and performances as well as showcasing of food from different cultures and religious groups. Everybody is welcome. Let’s bring our families and friends as we reminisce the history of our beloved Parish and enjoy our friendship. Please get in touch with the parish office if you would like to be involved.

    Term 4 Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Week 2:   Thursday 9.15 am Buddy Class Mass: Year 3 and ELC 

    Week 3     Tuesday 9.15 am Buddy Class Mass: 2 Yellow and 6 Lime

                    Friday 9.15am Grandparents & Special Friends Day Prayer Celebration 

    Week 4     Thursday 9.15 am Buddy Class Mass: 4 Green and Foundation Red

    Week 5     Tuesday 9.15 am Buddy Class Mass: 1 Teal and 5 Orange

                    Thursday 9.15 am Buddy Class Mass: 1 Purple and 5 Blue

                    Friday 11 November 10.30am: Remembrance Day Memorial 

    Week 6     Thursday 9.15 am Buddy Class Mass: 4 Gold and Foundation White

    Week 7     Thursday 2.15pm  Advent Prayer Celebration led by 1 Purple

    Week 8     Thursday 2.15pm  Advent Prayer Celebration led by 2 Yellow

    Week 9     Thursday 2.15pm  Advent Prayer Celebration led by 1 Teal

                    Wednesday 6pm Christmas Carols

                    Thursday 8 December - Christmas Nativity (6:00pm)                         

    Week 10     Monday 12.00pm Thanksgiving & Y6 Graduation Mass 

                      Tuesday 2.15pm Year 5 and 6 Leadership Ceremony

                      Thursday 2.15pm  - Advent Prayer Celebration led by 2 Magenta


    We have had a number of enquiries about children seeking to be Baptised. At St Joseph’s Parish we celebrate Baptisms for children and infants on the first and third Saturday of every month. Attendance at one family preparation session prior to the Baptism is an important part of this formation.

    Preparation Sessions Occur:

    1st Wednesday of every month - 5pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    3rd Wednesday of every month – 1pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    Baptism Celebrations (multiple families) Occur:

    1st & 3rd Saturday of every month - 11am – St Joseph’s Church

    To enrol in the baptism sacramental program please email,au with your preferred preparation session time. Once your preparation session is confirmed, Father Anthony will guide you through the rest of the process.

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action


    Next week, please bring your final haul of LIDS, blister packs and oral health care supplies. We will absolutely continue to collect these items next year, but students will be very busy sorting and cleaning our current assortment until the end of the year. In the meantime, please bring your clean lids to a Lids for Kids drop-off at 141 Canberra Avenue in Fyshwick. A special thank you to the Pickering family for helping us with our collection!


    Let the Games Begin

    Year 6 has been working diligently to develop
    their own board games, reusing materials and creating sustainable themes. We are looking forward to inviting students to play and enjoy our successful projects!



    Life is more fun if you play games- Roald Dahl


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator


    Book Club Image.PNG

    Book Club Catalogues for Term 4 were sent home in Week One. There is a fabulous selection of books available to purchase.

    All orders need to be submitted through the Scholastic LOOP online platform, or you can place your child’s order via the Scholastic website. No cash orders will be accepted.

    Please submit any orders by Friday 27th October (Friday Week 3)


    Georgina Jaram

    Hi Families,


    I hope you were all able to have a relaxing break and some well deserved time with your family. 

    The first week back has already been busy and that’s great for the Canteen, but with that comes the need for volunteers to come in and lend a hand. If you can spare an hour or two, please pop in! The kids do enjoy seeing Mum, Dad, Grandparents and carers in the canteen. Don’t forget a WWVP will be needed. 

    This term there will be a small change to the menu. Lasagna will not be available for Term 4, but will be replaced with Ham and Cheese Pizza’s for $4.00

    Over the holidays, the lovely Sarah M and family were able to obtain another paper shredder! This is again such an amazing donation and will definitely help with the ever growing number of lunch bags! 


    Kids remember what can and can’t be recycled from your lunch orders! Please place these in the correctly labelled bins and tubs.

    What can be recycled: What can’t be recycled: 
    Brown bags Food
    Eco block sticks White bags
    Foil Sauce pouches



    Thank you,


    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Ryder M
    Lara S
    Mirabel P
    Hamish M
    Max B
    Harrison W
    Amelia T
    Sophia T

    Congratulations to the Week 2 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Neo B

    Lana F

    Foundation White

    Alice G

    Olivia M

    1 Purple

    Jordan S

    Finn M

    1 Teal

    Grace M

    Emmy M

    2 Magenta

    Wilhelmina C

    Austin J

    Eden N

    2 Yellow

    Jack S

    Beatrice H

    Dakota W

    3 Black

    Christian D

    Jackson M

    3 Navy

    Audrey B

    Charlie G

    Mia B

    4 Gold

    Toby S

    Anna J

    4 Green

    Atiana B

    Liam B

    Tresa S

    5 Blue

    Kathy A

    Julian F

    James J

    5 Orange

    Henry A

    Ricky B

    Mary C

    6 Lime

    Chris B


    6 Silver

    Amaani S

    Emmett J

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