St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

Phone: 02 6248 9818
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Week 8 Term 3 2023 Newsletter

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Week 8 Term 3 2023 Newsletter

    Dear parents and carers,

    There is real wisdom, Lord, in the saying,
    'It is always Springtime in the heart that loves God.'
    Springtime is a season of optimism and hope,
    and the Christian lives a faith centered on hope.
    Winter, with its cold and dark days, has gone,
    just as Good Friday passed to Easter and beyond.
    We live a resurrection life,
    reflected in the new life springing up around us.
    Thank you, Lord, for the hope that you bring,
    the renewal that you bring,
    both to this world and to our hearts and lives.



    Carpark Safety

    Safety in our school carpark has been raised in recent communications and unfortunately it needs to be raised again as we continue to see behaviours that are impacting the safety of all. Please drive slowly within our carpark and only use designated routes. We have had a few close calls in the last few weeks! Children learn from what they see. By consistently using the pedestrian crossing we can demonstrate safe behaviours that the students will emulate. Thank you for considering the role you play in keeping our school community safe.

    House Point Recycling

    Next week we will have our final recycling challenge for Term 3. Each House is allocated a day to bring in 10-cent recyclable cans and bottles. The points for this term are extremely close with only 457 points separating 1st and 4th place. Your contributions could help put your child’s House in the lead!

    Recycling Days:

    Tuesday  Lourdes
    Wednesday  Madonna
    Thursday  Fatima
    Friday  Loretto

    Unexplained Absences

    Today, reminders were sent via Compass regarding unexplained absences for Term 3. If you received a notification, please head to the Compass Parent Portal to update your child’s attendance within 7 days. If you have a query regarding unexplained absences, please contact me via email and I will investigate and update accordingly. Often the reason for discrepancies is when students arrive late (after 8:50am) and have not been signed in at the Front Office by a parent or guardian.

    Child Safety

    Yesterday, all students participated in Australia’s Biggest Safety Lesson run by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation. The focus of these sessions was on consent, with students learning strategies they can use when they need to seek, give or deny consent.

    Communicating about consent in a respectful way can help children assert their right to stay comfortable and enforce their right to stay safe. These sessions aligned with content descriptors from the new Australian Curriculum (Version 9). The topics covered included:

    • What is consent? (permission)
    • Why do we ask for consent?
    • How can we ask for consent?
    • How can we say no?
    • How can we hear no?
    • How can we say yes?

    Further information can be found here Parent Information about Australia's Biggest Safety Lesson.

    Today, students in Years 3 to 6 participated in Think You Know sessions. These sessions were run by ACT policing to build positive engagement between children and police while equipping students with the knowledge and skills to be able to take actionable steps to always maintain their online safety. Please follow the link for more information about Staying Safe Online.

    I encourage you to have follow-up conversations with your children at home regarding the important safety messages they have learned in the last two days.

    Thank you to Kirstie Buckley, our Child Safe Advocate for organising these invaluable sessions.


    Have a wonderful end to the week!

    Yours in Christ,

    Amy Doszpot 

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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

    Save the date! 

    Saturday 28 October from 10am

    On 28 October, 2023, St Joseph’s Parish, O’Connor will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. Either Archbishop Christopher Prowse or Rev. Fr. Richard Thompson (Vicar-General) will grace the event with a Eucharistic celebration at 10am. This “Multicultural Day” is a day of celebration with programs and performances as well as showcasing food from different cultures and religious groups. Everybody is welcome. Let’s bring our families and friends as we reminisce the history of our beloved Parish and enjoy our friendship. Please get in touch with the parish office if you would like to be involved.


    We have had a number of inquiries about children seeking to be Baptised. At St Joseph’s Parish we celebrate Baptisms for children and infants on the first and third Saturday of every month. Attendance at one family preparation session prior to the Baptism is an important part of this formation.

    Preparation Sessions Occur:

    1st Wednesday of every month - 5pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    3rd Wednesday of every month – 1pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    Baptism Celebrations (multiple families) Occur:

    1st & 3rd Saturday of every month - 11am – St Joseph’s Church

    To enrol in the baptism sacramental program please email with your preferred preparation session time. Once your preparation session is confirmed, Father Anthony will guide you through the rest of the process. 

    Social Action and Justice

    Well done St Joseph’s, we have achieved our goal of creating 50 Dignity Packs to donate to St Vincent de Paul. What an amazing achievement. Next week a member of St Vincent de Paul will visit St Joseph’s to collect our donations.

    Yours in Christ,

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator


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      Uniform Shop News
      Uniform Shop w2t1 image 1.png

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Kyan S

      Congratulations to the Week 8 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Brianna T

      Ignatius O

      Foundation White

      Scarlett H

      Matilda S

      1 Purple

      Aidan O

      Lachlan T

      1 Teal

      Wadha A

      2 Magenta

      Ethan T

      Wishmitha G

      Laura P

      2 Yellow

      Austin F

      Remy U

      Nathaniel M

      3 Black

      Amelia S

      Enoch A

      3 Navy

      Andy S

      Xander W

      Emery D

      4 Gold

      Vairaj B

      Delphi U

      Sophia M

      4 Green

      Aria K

      Samuel S

      5 Blue

      Anouk U

      Lara S

      Luke D

      5 Orange

      Makur W

      Holly H

      Bridie F

      6 Lime

      Louis P

      Josie M

      6 Silver

      Scarlett P

      Esmee VF

      Sophie G

      Hi parents,

      Did you know that Tuesday 12 September is National Chocolate Milkshake Day?  To help celebrate this day, we will have chocolate milkshakes available for sale over the counter for $2:00 per milkshake.


      On Friday 15 September (Week 9), will be our last Friday special for Term 3.  Our special will be Mini Pepperoni Pizza for $5:00 per pizza.  Get your orders in fast, as they will be limited!


      As always, I am looking to see some new faces in the canteen.  If you can spare some time, drop me an email at , or pop in and say hello.



      Holiday Happenings w8t1.JPG