St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 6 Term 3 2023 Newsletter

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Week 6 Term 3 2023 Newsletter

    Dear parents and carers,


    Recently, Archbishop Christopher Prowse announced the Year of the Holy Spirit, which will guide our Diocese from August 2023 to August 2024. Following on from the Year of Walking Together, our theme for the past year, we are now called to be open to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit that our faith can truly come alive. It is difficult to explain, but by being open to seeing, hearing and acting on the example of Jesus, we can be that for others. As a school, we will break open the new theme from the start of 2024.

    2024 Faith in Learning Excellence Awards

    Congratulations to Melanie Stratford our 4 Green class teacher and Religious Education Coordinator, on being nominated and receiving a Mission Award at the upcoming 2023 Faith in Learning Excellence Awards. Melanie was nominated by a parent within our community, recognising her faithful commitment to the Sacramental Program within our school and parish. Well done Melanie and thank you for your dedication to the faith life of our school.

    Go to bed... 

    Now that our new favourite national sporting team have finished keeping us up late, a reminder about the importance of the children getting enough sleep, and trying to limit screen time just before bed. I know that in the Tarrant household, the bed times have crept out and screen time seems to be more than usual at the moment. 

    When children are tired, they find it difficult to concentrate and be engaged in their learning, as well as more easily frustrated. As you can understand, this has an impact within the classroom, and also on the playground.

    If nothing else, perhaps you can mention this suggestion to your children tonight when you are trying to get them to bed - hopefully it helps! 

    Also, the link below provides some relevant information and suggestions. 

    Father's Day Breakfast


    Think U Know

    In early September, Year 3 to 6 students will be participating in a Think U Know presentation about how to stay safe online. As teachers, parents and carers, we all play an important role in protecting children from harm. The Think U Know program aims to support us in preventing and managing safety challenges that children may face online, as well as guiding them to understand these challenges and make them feel empowered to take action.

    Over the coming newsletters, a different article about keeping your child safe online will be attached to provide you with some additional knowledge to help your child stay safe online, in this ever changing world of technology. It may be helpful to read the article with your child, so you can begin or continue open conversations with your child about their online safety practices. More resources, including home learning and family activities are available on the Think U Know website. 

    CSPACG Family Event 

    Catholic School Parents Canberra Goulburn are hosting a Family Event with Andrew Fuller on Tuesday 5 September. This is a free event for parents and carers, offering insight into how children's brains work and how knowing this can assist parents. Please register via the flyer below. 


    Story Dogs

    Story Dogs is a program where a trained dog spends time in the school, along with their trained carer, allowing students to read aloud to the dog in a safe, fun, non-judgmental environment that supports emerging readers with their reading confidence and fluency. Unfortunately, Tonia and Skipper are off to Brisbane, so they sent through this picture thank you. We are looking forward to welcoming Jenny and Fox this week.


    Call for volunteers
    Would you like to help in the Canteen but do no have the availability when its open? That's ok because there are things that you can do to help out. There is a new roster that will be updated every week with things that need doing. 

    Follow the link below and add your name to help out.

    Camp Australia

    Mira from 2 Magenta entered the OHSC Writing Competition with this poem called, Gently. Well done Mira!


    Gently, the wind blows

    Gently, the sun shines

    Gently, the leaves float

    Gently, the moon glows

    But most gently of all, I hug my brother


    By Mira

    Have a wonderful end to the week!

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

    Walking Together Labyrinth

    Earlier in the Year on our St Joseph’s Feast Day, all staff and students decorated a rock in the theme of ‘Walking Together’. Our creative and dedicated groundsman, Mr Hetherington has been working quietly behind the scenes to use these rocks to create a walking labyrinth. This afternoon staff had the first opportunity to walk the labyrinth during our spirituality staff meeting. Over the coming weeks, we hope all students will have this same opportunity to walk the St Joseph’s labyrinth in prayer.



    We have had a number of enquiries about children seeking to be Baptised. At St Joseph’s Parish, we celebrate Baptisms for children and infants on the first and third Saturday of every month. Attendance at one family preparation session prior to the Baptism is an important part of this formation.

    Preparation Sessions Occur:

    1st Wednesday of every month - 5pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    3rd Wednesday of every month – 1pm – St Joseph’s Parish Centre

    Baptism Celebrations (multiple families) Occur:

    1st & 3rd Saturday of every month - 11am – St Joseph’s Church

    To enrol in the Baptism sacramental program please email,au with your preferred preparation session time. Once your preparation session is confirmed, Father Anthony will guide you through the rest of the process.

    Yours in Christ,

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator


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    Sustainability in Action


    Year 2 Kitchen Garden


    Did you know that broccolini is a cross between Chinese kale and broccoli? Year 2 knows all about this! After harvesting some of these delicious Winter crops, students chopped and prepared a delicious broccoli & potato soup. It is always a pleasure to hear 7 and 8 year olds asking for seconds of this healthy recipe.


    Year 6 - Game Time!


    After familiarising themselves with environmentally themed board games, Year 6 will begin to design eco friendly games of their own! If you have any dice, cardboard or old games that are no longer complete - we will gladly accept and transform them!


    “Life is more fun if you play games.”- Roald Dahl


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    What a spectacular three weeks we have had celebrating Book Week 2023. We started in Week 4 with a performance ‘Way too Cool!’ about two characters who explore how important kindness is in our world today. The play included some of the 2023 Children’s Book Council of Australia shortlisted books. 


    Book Fair

    Thank you to all the parents and carers who have contributed to our book fair this year. 20% of all book sales will be donated to the library. The fair will conclude this Friday with a total of funds raised to be announced in the next newsletter. 

    Book Week Parade

    Today, students and teachers dressed up as their favourite book characters or someone who has inspired them. The exceptional costumes and effort that families went to was a contributing factor to such an enjoyable day. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who helped the children get ready for this day.

    Georgina Jaram

    Sporting News 


    A massive congratulations to Oliver L in 5 Blue for making it to Nationals for Cross Country. Oliver will be representing the ACT this weekend at Stromlo Park and we wish him all the best! 


    Thank you for returning expressions of interest for the upcoming Boorowa Carnival. Unfortunately, we did not have enough interest for any Year 3 or 4 teams this year. 

    Year 5 and 6 have two netball teams and two touch football teams. A permission note will go home via Compass with more information in the coming weeks. 

    If you are able to offer carpooling to other families or need your child to be taken by another parent to Boorowa on 20 October, please email me as soon as possible.

    Regional Athletics 

    A huge congratulations to the students who made it through to the Regional Athletics Carnival next Thursday at the AIS. Information was sent home via Compass and a note has been sent home with your child's event and a timetable of the day. If you need any additional information please contact me via email. 

    Melanie Moore 

    Hi Parents,

    We are more than halfway through the term and wow it’s been busy. With the weather getting warmer the need for hot chocolates is becoming less, NEXT WEEK (Week 7) will be the last time to bring your keep cups until next winter.

    The Eco Blocks are so popular we need ideas for new flavours. Last week we missed our Friday special so this Friday will be Butter Chicken, get your orders in fast. 



    As always we need help in the canteen, if you can spare 30 minutes or more feel free to pop in.



      Uniform Shop News
      Uniform Shop w2t1 image 1.png

      P&F Trivia Night


      Rockstars & Royalty, will be sure to test punters’ knowledge on all things music and monarchs, with awesome prizes up for grabs. BYO food and beverages, and dress in your best Rockstars or Royalty get-up, for a fun night out!

      Saturday 26 August, 7PM @ St Joseph's School Hall

      Single entry: $20 each 

      Table of 10: $180

      Tickets available now on Qkr!

      Congratulations to the Week 6 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Emily L

      Elijah A

      Foundation White

      Rudy M

      Andi T

      1 Purple

      Blake B

      Brooke H

      1 Teal

      Henry W

      Elsie C

      2 Magenta

      Sophie P

      Ella S

      Austin J

      2 Yellow

      Dion B

      Archie M

      Manuela S

      3 Black

      Ryan L

      Adam L

      3 Navy

      Alex B

      Indie M

      4 Gold

      Patrick M

      Sofia W

      Gonzalo O-H

      4 Green

      Olivia T

      Leo W

      5 Blue

      Caetano A-M

      Oliver L

      Scarlett S

      5 Orange

      Verity L

      James W

      Marcos D

      6 Lime

      Ashley F

      Nima Y

      6 Silver

      Olivia D

      Maeve M


      Madeline O

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Billy T
      Sophia M
      Natara H
      Aidan O
      Eleanor C
      Olivia M
      Elsie C
      Emery D
