St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 6 Term 2 2023 Newsletter

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Week 6 Term 2 2023 Newsletter
    Dear parents and carers,
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    Holy Spirit let your fire fall on us, ignite within us, burn within us. Holy Spirit fan the flames, fill our lives, kindle your desires within, flow through our neighbourhoods. Holy Spirit burn bright, cry out for justice, break through oppression, bring peace and unity. Holy Spirit come once more, fall on us, ignite within us, burn through us. 

    On Sunday, many of our Year 4 students received the Body of Christ for the first time during the Sacrament of First Eucharist alongside our Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was a privilege that both sacraments were presided by Archbishop Christopher Prowse and that we were able to celebrate them together as a school community.

    Sunday was Pentecost Sunday and holds significant ties to the Sacrament of Confirmation. Pentecost is based on the New Testament story from the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus had promised during his earthly ministry that although he would leave, he would send a comforter, he would send the Holy Spirit. After his death, the disciples were gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate Shavuot, a Jewish festival. There came a violent sound of wind and they saw tongues of fire resting upon their heads. It was at this moment that the Holy Spirit came and empowered the believers, specifically the disciples to continue to spread the gospel message and baptise many into the Catholic Church.

    Please keep in your prayers all the students who have continued their initiation into the Catholic Church.

    Parent / Teacher Interviews 

    As mentioned previously, the Semester 1 Report will not include written comments. Instead, Parent / Teacher interviews will be held in Week 9, allowing for teachers and parents to engage in valuable conversation around areas of growth and priority areas going forward.

    Interviews will take place face to face with an online day offered.

      • Monday - Face to Face
      • Tuesday - Online via MS Teams
      • Wednesday - Face to Face. Late night until 6:30 pm
      • Thursday - Face to Face 

    An alert will be sent via Compass later this week when bookings are open. 

    Tell Them From Me Survey
    P&F Meeting - Tonight
    All parents are welcome to join us for our P&F Meeting being held at school this evening at 7pm. The P&F is a wonderful way to meet new members of the school community and to become involved in fundraising initiatives. 
    Student Absences 
    Reminder emails will be sent in the coming days for outstanding student absences. All student absences need to be entered via the Compass Parent Portal. If you received an email, could I please ask that you enter the unexplained absences as soon as possible, it is very quick and easy to do. If you need any assistance with Compass please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 
    Compass Login for Mobile App
    You can now log into the Compass app with a one-time passcode using your mobile number or email address. This feature removes the need for a password, increases data protection and improves the app experience for parents and carers. More information can be accessed here.
    Have a wonderful end to the week!

    Yours in Christ,

    Amy Doszpot 

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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

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    Last Sunday on Pentecost, many of our Year 4 and Year 6 students gathered for a special mass celebrated by Archbishop Christopher Prowse. During this mass students in Year 6 said yes to using their gifts in the world by making the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our Year 4 students were also blessed that they received their First Holy Communion from Archbishop Christopher. We had a full church as we gathered as a Catholic community for this wonderful occasion.

    May this season of Pentecost rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit within us, guiding us towards wisdom, strength, and love as we continue our journey of faith together.

    Prayer to the Holy Spirit

     Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

    And kindle in them the fire of your love.

    Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.

    And you will renew the face of the earth.

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    Prayer and Worship

    Candidates for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion

    Leonardo Olivia Joseph Annabelle Conor
    Sebastian Owen Evie Harry Toby
    Teilo Patrick Mirabel Amelia Mae
    Kendryck Emma Sebastian Sophia Makur
    Tresa Matteaus Beau Anna Marial

    Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation

    Leonardo Christopher Benjamin Olivia
    Sophie Georgina Tom Emmett
    Aidan Maeve Kayla Olivia
    James (Jimmy) Kobe Ante Lily
    Scarlett Eoin Lachlan Esmee
    Janek Daniel Imogen

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action

    Meet the Gardeners of the Month!


    Name: Owen H (not pictured)

    Class: 4 Gold

    Favourite fruit: Rockmelon 

    Favourite garden tool: Spade

    Favourite garden activity: Aerating the soil!

    Name: Giovanni

    Class: 4 Gold

    Favourite fruit: Grapes

    Favourite garden tool: Wheelbarrow

    Favourite garden activity: Digging roots out of the soil!

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    Changemakers are looking to create sustainable solutions for our Canteen waste. If you have a paper shredder collecting dust, please consider donating for this environmentally friendly cause!


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Simultaneous Storytime

    National Simultaneous Storytime occurred on the 24th May 2023. During this week and next, children in the library lesson will read, enjoy and participate in activities related to The Speedy Sloth.

    Synopsis - It was finally time for the event of the year, Spike couldn’t believe it - the great race was here! The other sloths said it couldn't be done, but Spike didn't care, she was ready to run!

    From award-winning creators Rebecca Young and Heath McKenzie, comes this inspiring story to celebrate all winners ... especially those who don’t come first.

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    Book Club Catalogues for this term were sent home last week.  There is a fabulous selection of books available to purchase. Every order will earn points so we can order new resources and books for our school. All orders need to be submitted through the Scholastic LOOP online platform or you can place your child’s order via the Scholastic website. No cash orders will be accepted.

    Please submit any orders by Monday 16th June (Friday Week 8).


    Overdue Book Notice- These will be handed out over the next two weeks. Please contact me for any questions.


    Georgina Jaram

    Sports News

    A massive congratulations to all the students who have made it through to the Regional Cross Country this Friday - we wish you all the best of luck. 

    Over the past few weeks there have been lots of our students trialling for School Sports ACT. A massive congratulations to Bridie F in Year 5 for making it through as a shadow player for Hockey, and to Molly and Josie M in Year 6 who made it through for AFL.


    Melanie Moore

      Uniform Shop News

      Canteen News


      Hello Parents and Families,


      The Canteen has gotten much busier since the term has begun, and unfortunately the Canteen can not continue to grow with out the support of volunteers. If you can spare an hour or two in the morning or have grandparents that have some free time, please pop into the canteen to say hello and put your name down on the calendar.

      Keep Warm Wednesdays are getting busier. Good work remembering your Keep Cups!

      We have new over the counter items that are proving a hit with the kids:

      - UFO’s

      - Pikelets

      - Scrolls

      - Snack Packs

      Also the Canteen has been working with the Change Makers on making the canteen more sustainable, we have started with the old iceypoles. GOOD BYE PLASTIC! We have been successful in making yummy home made iceypoles, but remember to do the right thing by the environment and the school and recycle the sticks in the bucket provided.

      I look forward to seeing some new faces soon.


      St Joseph's Canteen Manager

      Congratulations to the Week 6 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Merieani T

      Amelia W

      Foundation White

      Henry M

      Kobi P

      1 Purple

      Asher F

      Eloise P

      1 Teal

      Matilda G

      Henry W

      2 Magenta

      Mira K

      Levi N

      Yvonne G

      2 Yellow

      Nicholas G

      Kyan S

      Hamish M

      3 Black

      Ivy E

      Joseph M-G

      3 Navy

      Charlee F

      Rishaan M

      4 Gold

      Patrick M

      Arlie B

      Owen H

      4 Green

      Amelia T

      Alice Z

      5 Blue

      Emily G

      James M

      Alex M

      5 Orange

      Shamita B

      Evie P

      6 Lime

      Atem M

      Lily P

      6 Silver

      Molly M

      Kobe P


      Giovanni B

      Owen H

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Ricky B
      Manuela S
      Keone S
      Esmee V-F
      Finlay M
      Laura P
      Dion B

