St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 4 Term 2 2023 Newsletter

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Week 4 Term 2 2023 Newsletter

    ‘We must restore hope to young people,

    help the old, be open to the future,

    spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need

    to include the excluded and preach peace.’

    Pope Francis’ Little Book of Wisdom

    Dear parents and carers,

    This week I have returned to Pope Francis’ Little Book of Wisdom for a prayer focus. Hope underpins an active and engaged community. Offering hope to our children and students is a key objective as parents and as teachers. Offering hope allows dreams and aspirations to appear, empowers action to help others, and fosters self-reliance and confidence. My prayer this week, is that St Joseph’s continues to be a community of hope, for those within, and for those who can be impacted by our outward actions.

    Letter from the Archbishop – Calvary Hospital.

    Many of you will be aware of the decision of the ACT Government last week to introduce legislation to acquire the Catholic-owned Calvary Public Hospital. Archbishop Christopher Prowse has composed a letter to members of the Archdiocese stating his views on the situation and inviting participation in an online petition. Archbishop Christopher’s letter can be found here.



    Get your dancing shoes ready for the disco this Friday 19 May! A DJ has been booked, and the sausage sizzle and lolly bags are being arranged. Children from Foundation to Year 6 are welcome to attend, as are ELC kids who are accompanied by a parent or carer. Tickets are $5 per child, and available through QKR!

    Staff doing great things

    In recent years, St Joseph’s has welcomed families from all parts of the world. From this has come a need to support students with English as a second language. Courtney Bonner, our Year 3 Navy teacher, has been supporting these students, introducing a couple of excellent programs that are making a real difference. Story Dogs is a program where a trained dog spends time in the school, along with their trained carer, allowing students to read aloud to the dog in a safe, fun, non-judgmental environment that supports emerging readers with their reading confidence and fluency. We have Jodie and Winston who read with the Year 3s on Wednesdays and Tonia and Skipper who read with the Year 2s on Tuesday.

    Further to this, Courtney has this year introduced a new program facilitated by St Vincent de Paul called the Migrant and Refugee School’s Program. Justin, Kate and Joseph from SVDP work with selected students on a program that is strengths based, trauma informed, and relationship focused. They read with the students and play sound/tricky words games that reiterate the learning from in class/MiniLit/MacqLit programs.

    Melanie Stratford, our Year 4 Green teacher, has been successful in being invited to join the Digital Technologies Hub Project (DTH) being run by Education Services Australia. This working party of educators from around Australia is being tasked with developing teaching and learning resources to be used to access the new Digital Technologies Australian Curriculum. Melanie attended the first workshop in Melbourne earlier in the term, and has returned with great insights into how this will benefit the development of STEM and digital technologies here at St Joseph’s. As part of this program, the school also receives a small amount of funding that can be used to support new programs and further professional learning for our teachers.

    Semester 1 Reports

    As we head into the second half of Term 2, a priority for our teachers is assessment and reporting of student achievement during Semester 1. In line with guidelines across all Catholic Education Canberra-Goulburn schools, the Semester 1 Reports will again provide A – E grading for all subject areas taught, along with attendance and further school involvement. As in recent years, the Semester 1 Report will not include written comments. Instead, Parent / Teacher interviews will again be held in Week 9, allowing for teachers and parents to engage in valuable conversation around areas of growth and priority areas going forward. Further information about the Parent / Teacher interviews will be sent closer to the time.

    The Semester 2 Reports, sent out a the end of Term 2 will include a written comment providing a summative comment for the year, areas of achievement and areas to focus on for the following year.


    We are currently experiencing a higher number of positive COVID cases within our school community. Parents are asked to be aware of this and ensure that children do not attend school if they are unwell. At school, we are again reminding the students to practice good hygiene and to use the hand sanitiser available in each classroom. A reminder that families are able to access additional RATs from the school if required. 

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

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    Sunday 28 May is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost Sunday, occurring fifty days after Easter, commemorates the moment when the Apostles were blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This event, often referred to as the "birth of the Church," is marked by the flame imagery symbolising the transformative energy of the Holy Spirit. This transformation allowed the Apostles to courageously proclaim the Gospel, despite the adversities they faced.

    In a similar vein, the Sacrament of Confirmation, one of the seven sacraments in our Catholic tradition, involves the sealing of the Holy Spirit upon our young people. Those who receive this sacrament undergo a spiritual transformation, much like the Apostles during Pentecost. They are emboldened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit - Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord - strengthening their bond with the Church and their commitment to the teachings of Christ.

    This Pentecost Sunday is especially significant for our St Joseph’s community as many of our students will make the Sacrament of Confirmation or their First Holy Communion. This special mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Christopher Prowse and will be a very special occasion to come together as a community. Please keep these children in your prayers as they prepare to make these important next steps in their faith journey.

    Pentecost is a powerful reminder of the Holy Spirit's transformative presence in our lives. As we approach this feast day, let us encourage our children to reflect on the gifts of the Holy Spirit they have received in their journey toward Confirmation and how they can use these gifts to contribute to our faith community.

    May this season of Pentecost rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit within us, guiding us toward wisdom, strength, and love as we continue our journey of faith together.

    Prayer to the Holy Spirit

    Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

    And kindle in them the fire of your love.

    Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.

    And you will renew the face of the earth.

    Prayer and Worship

    Candidates for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion

    Leonardo Olivia Joseph Annabelle Conor
    Sebastian Owen Evie Harry Toby
    Teilo Patrick Mirabel Amelia Mae
    Kendryck Emma Sebastian Sophia Makur
    Tresa Matteaus Beau Anna Marial

    Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation

    Leonardo Christopher Benjamin Olivia
    Sophie Georgina Tom Emmett
    Aidan Maeve Kayla Olivia
    James (Jimmy) Kobe Ante Lily
    Scarlett Eoin Lachlan Esmee
    Janek Daniel Imogen

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action


    This term, students in Years 5 and 6 will enjoy extensive lessons about food waste prevention through cooking instruction and curriculum developed by OzHarvest. Did you know one-third of the world's food production is wasted? This fabulous program brings awareness to the home and how we can be active preventers of food waste. 

    Warming Wednesdays 

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    Hot chocolate will be served at the canteen every Wednesday!
    .50c if you bring your keep-cup, or $1.00 to use a canteen cup.


    We are making the world a better place - with less waste! 

    “People who love to eat are always the best people” - Julia Child

    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator


    Thank you to all parents that have been covering books. If you are interested in joining our group of book covering parents please email me.

    Canteen News

    Hello Parents and Families


    Its been a busy start to term 2 in the canteen, I’ve been making small changes I wonder who has noticed?

    Is it the prices or the sizes of some products including the amazing cheese pizzas? Have your kids told you how big they are now? There will be small changes slowly over the term keep an eye out for those.

    Every week there will be more over the counter items for the kids to purchase in line with the cooler weather, we are even bringing back an old favorite Pikelets.


    The canteen can’t run smoothly with out the help of volunteers, this does not mean you have to give up your time on the days the canteen is open. There are plenty of things to do that can be done on a Monday or Tuesday. Please send an email to and don’t forget your Working with Vulnerable people card. Can't wait to see some new faces.




    PS: Did you see what the Change Makers have been up to in the Canteen?

    Yummy Warm Hot Chocolates!

    Don’t forget your Keep Cups.

      Uniform Shop News

      Congratulations to the Week 4 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Pippa G

      Aiden O-R

      Foundation White

      Matilda S

      Samuel B

      1 Purple

      Fynn A

      Aurora B

      1 Teal

      Will A

      Xavier E

      2 Magenta

      Lueth M

      Mason I

      George P

      2 Yellow

      Charlotte D-S

      Lola O

      Dominic O-H

      3 Black

      Amari P

      Ayla A

      3 Navy

      Emery D

      Eloise M

      Tilly M

      4 Gold

      Vairaj B

      Harry F

      Emma P

      4 Green

      Liam B

      Mae T

      5 Blue

      Kathy A

      Julian F

      Emanuel S

      5 Orange

      Mia B

      Yaanih N

      Clementine S

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Kathy A
      Aiden O-R
      Phoebe G
      Elliot S
      Finn M
      Thomas S
      Shenuka D
      Ayla A
      Giovanni B-A
      Christopher A
