St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 4 Term 1 2023 Newsletter

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Week 4 Term 1 2023 Newsletter

    Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

    Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten period, a time of taking pause and considering others in our decisions. Actions such as abstaining from meat on Fridays, fasting, going without something we enjoy, and giving to those in need are grounded in the desire to be selfless, so as to become closer to God. Through prayer, and hearing the whisperings of God in our lives, we truly open ourselves to rejoice in the risen Lord at Easter. During this Lenten period, lets pray with and for each other in our St Joseph’s community.


    Today the 2022 NAPLAN and school data has been released as part of the My School website - . While this data and information only tells a small part of the story of a school, it is very pleasing to see the growth and progress in recent years in relation to NAPLAN results compared to similar schools. St Joseph’s continually performs above national and state averages and from 2021 to 2022, has significantly improved results in all areas compared to like schools. We are excited to see this growth continue in 2023, as current priorities around explicit teaching and consistent engagement norms ensure all students are learning all the time.


    Unfortunately Katie Jenkin in the Canteen will finish at St Joseph’s at the end of Term 1. Katie has been at St Joseph’s for 2 years and has done a great job and we wish her all the best in the future. The Canteen Manager position is currently advertised and will be filled for the start of Term 2.

    Our efforts are continuing to appoint a Language teacher. At the School Board meeting last week, a summary of the process was further explained, and reassurance given that all options are still open for consideration. We are engaging with the Dante Alighieri society here in Canberra to investigate the possibility of having an Italian assistant work with a teacher, to continue delivering the Italian Language Program. I will keep the community informed of any progress.

    Parent / Teacher Interviews

    All parents are asked to book a time to meet with their child/ren’s teacher next week. Interviews are either online via Teams on the Monday, or in person across other days through the week. Please see the Compass alert sent out Monday with full details.

    Sip and Swap

    Today a flyer is attached to the Newsletter, inviting those in our wider St Joseph’s community to an evening of fine fashion and an opportunity to socialise. The purpose is to reduce the amount of clothing that sits unworn in cupboards, while at the same time raising funds for the work of Mary MacKillop House in Lyneham. MacKillop House provides support to women in need, offering temporary housing and respite. Please consider getting involved in this important event. Tickets will go on sale via Qkr! by the end of the week.

    Contact Ryan McGee if you have any questions –


    Year 6 Camp

    This morning our Year 6 students headed to Jindabyne Sport and Rec for three days. They will complete team activities, ride slider bikes (I may have crashed one last time…), canoe on Lake Jindabyne and build their leadership skills to support the school throughout the year. I am looking forward to joining them tonight and spending the day Thursday doing some of the activities. We hope they all have a great time!

    Upcoming Events

    • Week 5 – Parent / teacher Interviews
    • Wednesday 1 March – Canteen BBQ sausage sizzle – orders via Qkr!
    • Tuesday 7 March – Swimming Carnival Year 2 – 6
    • Wednesday 8 March – P&F Meeting 7.00pm
    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant
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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s


    Today we celebrate Ash Wednesday which marks the change in our Liturgical Season from Ordinary Time to Lent. In this season, we prepare ourselves to celebrate the high point of our Christian life, Easter. Each year, the readings for Ash Wednesday are the same. They call us to a change of heart and teach us about the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This year Pope Francis has extended a special invitation to pray for peace in the Ukraine. 

    Project Compassion


    This week through the Lenten act of Almsgiving we have commenced raising money for Caritas Australia. Jesus teaches that giving alms means making the needs of others our own, especially the needy of our world. They are all around us: children and the old, the sick and the suffering, families and individuals, next-door neighbours and people in lands faraway. One way that we can participate in almsgiving is through Project Compassion. 

    Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Donation boxes have been placed in all classrooms and at the front offices of the main school and ELC. We would encourage parents to support their children in the act of Almsgiving by providing them with donations every week for the next 5 weeks. Project Compassion boxes can be collected from the Front Office if there are any families who would like to participate in their own homes.

    A Lent for Our Common Home

    RE_image3.PNGAnother way of participating in Lent is through taking sustainable action. Each week during Lent we will be sharing some ideas on how you might take sustainable action at home with your family.

    Week 1- Food

    During this first week of Lent the focus is on food. You could:

    • Enjoy one meat free day a week
    • Buy locally sourced food
    • Grow your own herbs and vegetables

    We pray for those who do not have enough to eat and those farmers who are experiencing poor harvests. 

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Sustainability in Action

    This year, we have taken on a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. This exciting program provides in-depth gardening lessons with the fun of preparing our own meals and establishing healthy food habits. Year 3 is preparing our garden, and has begun planting kale and cabbage while looking after our growing pumpkins and rockmelon. Soon they will enjoy a tomato harvest and prepare some delicious tomato focaccia!


    “As I work in the garden, the garden works on me.”- Gayla Trail

    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Sporting News 

    Swimming Carnival: 

    The 2023 St Joseph’s Swimming Carnival will take place at Dickson Pool in Dickson on Tuesday 7th March for children in Years 2-6. The carnival acts as selection for the North Gungahlin District Swimming Carnival held later in the term. If you haven’t already please give permission via compass for your child/ren to attend the event. 

    Students must be nominated for the events in which they wish to participate. Event nominations are due by the 28th February. Please fill in the link 


    Cross Country Carnival: 

    The 2023 St Joseph Cross Country will take place at the O’Connor District Playing fields on the 31st March from 11:40 am - 1:25 pm. More information to follow during the term. If you would like to volunteer to help, please email me.


    Mel Moore 


      These first few weeks in the Defence School Mentor Program (DSMP) have been all about welcoming our new Defence students. We have 9 new students across the school. I had some wonderful help from year 5 Defence students Mia and Holly with putting together the welcome packs for our new students. These included information about the DSMP and The Defence Member and Family Support (DMFS) who fund the DSMP. It also had a few welcoming gifts for the children including a stuffed animal. Thank you Mia and Holly!

      Defence Kids Club is held on Thursdays at second break for years F-2 and on Fridays for years 3-6. This past week both year groups participated in a group painting. They were given a green canvas to then finger paint red and purple poppies. These paintings will be displayed out the front of the Defence School Mentor area in between the two foundation classrooms.

      This coming Friday is Purple Poppy Day, a day to commemorate all animals who serve alongside our military in times of war and peace. In Defence Kids Club this week we will be discussing the different species of animals that have been involved in military service as well as creating a purple poppy display.

      Emily McFarland 

      Defence School Mentor

      Hi parents and carers, 

      My Name is Katie, your canteen manager. I would love to welcome you all to 2023. We will be having a special sausage sizzle lunch on Wednesday 1 March.

      Orders can be made though QKR! and will close Monday 27 February.

      No other lunch orders will be Available on that day but over the counter sales will still be available.  



        Uniform Shop News


        Please see the attached Term 1 Newsletter from Camp Australia.

        Congratulations to the Week 4 award recipients. 

        1 Purple

        Danny V

        Aidan O

        1 Teal

        Nathan D

        Alfred G

        2 Magenta

        Austin J

        Jack L

        Ewan S

        2 Yellow

        Austin F

        Harrison W

        Audrey G

        3 Black

        Amelia S

        Tenzin L

        3 Navy

        Droduel T

        Azrielle T

        4 Gold

        Evie M

        Owen H

        4 Green

        Olivia T

        Sebastian S

        5 Blue


        Zach B

        Anouk U

        5 Orange

        Anna S

        Keone S

        6 Lime

        On Camp 6 Silver

        On Camp


        Max B

        Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


        Tashi W
        Sophie G
        Eden N
        Ryder W
        Hugo M
        Ryan M