St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 5 Term 4 2022 Newsletter

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Week 5 Term 4 2022 Newsletter
    Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

    Dear God,

    Our St Joseph’s community has endured a lot in recent years,

    And through Your guidance and the support of each other we have not just managed, but thrived.

    Together we continue to bring joy and wonder to our students, friendship and hope to our families, and recognition and admiration to our staff.

    St Joseph’s is a special place, and at every turn we can see and recognise our Christ-centred community.

    Thank you for bringing the wonderful St Joseph’s community together.

    St Mary of the Cross and St Joseph pray for us.


    St Joseph’s Fete and Family Fun Day

    After months of planning and preparation, meetings and Google Docs, ideas and questions… and lots of rain, Sunday was an incredible success on every level!

    The sunshine may have provided a brilliant canvas for the day, but it was the time and energy that went in by everyone involved, that made it such an enjoyable event. Thank you to all who volunteered throughout the day, or beforehand, or since, to help plan for and carry off a great fete. Across the entire day it seemed that everyone enjoyed what was happening, whether working on a stall, handing over MORE money for tokens, or even getting dunked, sticky taped or ‘coloured’!

    I took a moment during the fete to stand back and to watch for a little, and just loved seeing our community celebrating and enjoying the day. What is most exciting, is that we were surrounded by people new to the St Joseph’ community.

    It is important to recognise some of the key people involved in the planning and organisation of the event. Thank you to Caroline Odgers for taking on the huge task of coordinating the fete committee and bringing everyone’s ideas together. Our incredible promotion over recent weeks is thanks to Belinda Ladmore and Sarah Anderson – I don’t think I have seen a Facebook presence like it before! Thank you also to Pip Doogan for her efforts to reach out to the wider Canberra community and to bring attention and support to our fete. Linda Uzubalis brought her calmness and detail to ensure the operations on the day ran smoothly, and Trevor McGee and Cate Signor were committed to ensure the food and grade stalls all ran brilliantly. Thank you also to our P&F President, Rachael Whiteley-Black and Treasurer, Felicity Loftus for their continued support and guidance during the planning and on the day. Finally, a huge thank you to Amy Doszpot, who dedicated the last month to ensuring that all the plans came together on the day!

    While I have recongised some, and I apologise if I have missed anyone, the truth is that the day relied on just so many, that we all deserve to be very proud of what was achieved. Thank you to all the volunteers and to all the families that attended.

    Our fete could not have gone ahead without the incredible support of our many sponsors. Across the fete and the auctions, through donating items or providing financial support, we had around 65 sponsors and donors! Key supporters were Ray White, Camp Australia, Jim Murphy Cellars, and Lake George Winery, as well as IGA O’Connor and Lyneham who provided almost all of the food and drinks that were sold in many of the stalls across the day. We can’t thank these people enough!

    Even though the fete itself is over, keep checking our fete Facebook page with heaps more content, photos and offers to come from the fete. Follow us on

    We are also able to announce the winners of the Chalk Competition advertising the fete. Congratulations to Jeremy and Sophie P (3rd), Matilda G (2nd) and Ben L (1st).

    Lastly, there is still the opportunity for you to purchase the St Joseph’s Primary School 2022 Reserve by Lake George Winery on Qkr! These would be a great gift for family at Christmas.

    2023 Classes

    Today the 2023 Socio-gram is going home with all students in Foundation to Year 5. This is an important aspect to our planning as we begin to look at placing the students into their new classes for 2023. This is always a very carefully considered process that begins with the current teacher and what they know of each student and, first and foremost, their learning. At the same time, all social aspects of friendships and new opportunities are taken into account. On the Socio-gram, we ask you and your child to consider 3 friends that they would like to be in a class with in 2023. The intention is to ensure that each student is paired with at least one of their friends they nominate.

    If there is specific information that parents would like to advise me of to assist the composition of classes for 2023, then this must be done so in writing to me either via email or letter by no later than Friday 25 November. This does not include requests for particular teachers, nor does it include considerations other than the learning needs of your child. Each year is a new start for all students, and teachers, and therefore only information provided this year is taken into consideration when putting classes together for 2023.

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant
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    Religious Life of the School

    Last Friday afternoon, Archbishop Christopher Prowse blessed the new statue of St Joseph at our church. Thank you to the St Joseph’s Primary community for their generous donations. The money we raised has been used to purchase beautiful plants for around the statue. This is a very impressive addition to our church, be sure to stop by and have a look.


    Classroom Learning in Religious Education

    Students in Year 1 have been learning about the Sacrament of Baptism. Last Friday Year 1 went over to the church to hear Father Paul explain what happens during this special initiation into the Catholic Church. The children also had the opportunity to ask Father Paul some questions they were wondering about.

    Social Action and Justice

    Well done St Joseph’s, our Move-for Mission disco raised $331.80 for Catholic Mission. This money will go to local communities in Ethiopia and provide life-changing opportunities to those most in need.

    Prayer and Worship

    Pope Francis entrusts his Worldwide Prayer Network each month with prayer intentions that express his great concern for humanity and for the mission of the Church. His monthly prayer intention is a worldwide call to transform our prayer into specific actions; it is a compass for a mission of compassion for the world.

    November Prayer Intention- For children who suffer

    We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless, orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection.

    Lord Jesus Christ, you asked

    that we let the children come to you.

    Send your Spirit, O Lord, of comfort and relief

    for the many children who are victims

    of marginalisation, abandonment, and violence in the world.

    Give us a generous heart to offer to them

    concrete paths of hope

    through education that opens

    possibilities of freedom and decision.

    Inspire in us a desire to welcome them

    into the restorative love of a family

    with a warm embrace and caring love which

    gives them back their dignity

    of being children of the one Loving Father.


    Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments

    Term 4 Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Week 5:    Friday 11 November - Remembrance Day Memorial (10:30am)

    Week 6:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 4

    Week 7:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 5

                      Thursday 24 November - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

    Week 8:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 6

                     Thursday 1 December - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

    Week 9:    Thursday 8 December - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

                     Thursday 8 December - Christmas Nativity (6:00pm)

                     Friday 9 December - Thanksgiving & Year 6 Graduation Mass

    Week 10:  Thursday 15 December - Advent Prayer Celebration led by
                     4 Green (2.15pm)

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator 


    BOOK CLUB DUE 2ND DEC (Week 8 Friday)

    End of Year in the Library.

    We are starting to collect all overdue books now in the hope we will have a 100% return rate. Next week will be the last week of borrowing for all students.  Please return your books promptly to the library in the coming weeks.If you are still having trouble locating books. Please email me at

      Uniform Shop News


      Congratulations to the Week 5 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Christina T

      Michael H

      Foundation White

      Brooke H

      Asher F

      1 Purple

      Jackson B

      Dakota W

      1 Teal

      Ishane D

      Kaley A

      2 Magenta

      Bhavin S

      Joseph G M

      2 Yellow

      Charles P

      Amelia S

      3 Black

      Owen H

      Mae T

      3 Navy

      Phoebe G

      Teilo K-J

      4 Gold

      Reuben H

      Tashi Y

      4 Green

      Evie P

      Julian F

      5 Blue

      Olivia D

      Tom H

      5 Orange

      Kayla N

      Faith Y

      6 Lime

      Hamish E

      Pritika T

      6 Silver

      Diego L

      Nathan N


      Keone S

      Kendryck M

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Bonnie P
      Evie P
      Lachlan S
      Adam S
      Oliver W
      Connor J