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Ever-present God,
you gifted us with Mary MacKillop
whose life inspires us never to lose hope.
Build our confidence in your strengthening presence
especially in the darkest moments of our lives.
Be present with hope for those suffering trauma,
injustice, illness and despair
at this time in our world.
We ask this through Christ accompanying us.
On Sunday we celebrated the Feast of St Mary MacKillop, but long before Mary MacKillop was canonised in Rome on 17 October 2010, she was a saint. She knew that being a faithful follower of Christ meant living a holy life — a life filled with love. She wrote to her mother Flora in 1870: “Dearest Mamma, do you try now in real earnest to be a saint? You may smile at my question, but our dear good God wants you to be one.” Throughout her life, she encouraged her Sisters to make life better for people — with faith, education, hope and love. At Mary’s beatification, Pope John Paul II encouraged us all to “think of Mother Mary MacKillop and learn from her to be a gift of love and compassion for one another, for all Australians and for the world.”
Sacrament of First Eucharist
Please keep in your prayers our students and Parish members who this Sunday will be receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist. The word communion means to be ‘united'. For Catholics, the Eucharist, or Mass, is the most powerful way we encounter the real presence of Jesus Christ. Thank you to Mrs Vuli, Miss Cawdron and Ms Paragalli for preparing the students at school and to all our parents and carers for preparing their children at home for this very special occasion in their faith journey.
Microsoft Teams
Last Friday, Microsoft Teams logins and passwords were sent home for each student along with information on how to access Teams. Whilst Teams will only be used if Canberra were to enter a period of lockdown and remote learning was to commence, we do ask that you check as soon as possible that your child can log on to the platform. By ensuring all students can access Teams will allow for a smoother transition to remote learning if the need arises. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you are experiencing any difficulty.
Staffing News
It is with great sadness that after over 20 years at St Joseph's, we announce that Mrs Parmenter will be hanging up her library bag at the end of this term. She will take Term 4 off as Long Service Leave, before retiring at the end of 2021. Catherine has held many roles in her time at St Joseph's including Acting Assistant Principal, Religious Education Coordinator, Classroom Teacher and of course as our beloved Librarian. We wish Catherine all the very best on her next adventure of retirement. You will be deeply missed by so many! During Term 4, we will of course find a fitting way to farewell her from her St Joseph's family.
Father’s Day Breakfast: We are looking forward to hosting our Father’s Day Breakfast on Friday 3 September from 7:45 am to 8:45 am. Orders for your delicious bacon and egg rolls will be available soon.
School Disco: The highlight of the school year is set for Friday 10 September (Week 9). Put the date in your diary to avoid any disappointed children! In the coming weeks, the P&F will be calling for volunteers to assist on the night.
It has been great to see the sun shining a little more frequently this week! As we are now in the month of August and ultraviolet levels begin to rise, it is time for students to wear hats when outside. We have had a transition week but now begin our “No Hat, No Play, No Fun Today” policy. Please ensure that hats (and all jumpers, drink bottles etc.) are labelled so that we can help reunite owners with lost property.
Have a great end to the week.
Amy Doszpot
Assistant Principal
Our focus quote for this week from Saint Mary MacKillop is “We must teach more by example than by word”. On Monday, we celebrated this special Feast Day as a school. Guided by quotes from St Mary MacKillop, each grade presented examples of what her virtues look like for us at St Joseph’s. Year 3 presented their ideas around this weeks quote:
In Year 3 we have been learning about the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is the idea that one small change can make bigger changes happen. When a butterfly flaps its wings it moves a small amount of air. This small movement of air causes a slightly bigger movement of air and so on. Eventually the small flap of the butterfly’s wings grows into a movement so big that it could cause a hurricane.
The same is true for people too. One small action can create a series of actions that can change the world. If you pick up one piece of rubbish, this stops one piece of rubbish from polluting the world. Then the person who sees you pick up a piece of rubbish will do the same and the person who sees them will do it too. If every person picks up just one piece of rubbish a day, there would be over 300 million fewer pieces of litter.
With so many ways to lead by example, what is the example you hope to set for one person this week?
St Joseph’s Sacramental Program
Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Wednesday 28 October. Enrolment for this Sacrament is offered to students in Year 6, who have made their Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Further information regarding enrolments and preparation for this Sacrament will be provided in Term 3.
Date of Sacrament: Thursday 28 October
Time: 5:30pm
Registrations: Opening online at the end of Term 3 on the Parish website:
Sacrament Retreat Day: TBA
All enrolments and payments must be done via the St Joseph’s Parish Website (not the school Qkr! account). Workbooks will be provided to each student enrolled and are to be completed at home, with their parents.
Father’s Day Prayer Celebration
In preparation for our Father's Day Celebration, we are asking for you to submit a photo of your child/ren with their father, grandfather, uncle, or significant male in their life.
Please note that there is a strict cut-off date of Friday 27 August. If you would like to include a photo, please email the photo to your child’s classroom teacher before this date.
Bacon & Egg Roll Breakfast
We will be serving bacon & egg rolls between 7:45 and 8:45am.
Cost to be confirmed.
Payment can be made via Qkr! from next Monday.
We are looking forward to celebrating all the amazing men in our lives!
Combined School & Parish Mass
This Term, we will be celebrating Parish Mass as a whole school community. This will provide us the opportunity to come together as a St Joseph’s community, and celebrate mass together.
There will be a number of opportunities for students to be actively involved in different aspects of the mass. If you are able to attend, and you would like your child to participate, could you please email me to let me know. We would love to see as many families at mass as possible.
Important Term 3 Dates
For further information or any questions regarding Religious Education and events, please feel free to contact me via email: .
Religious Education Coordinator
Overdue notices
This week we will be sending home overdue notices. Please have a look at home for any outstanding books that may have been inadvertently forgotten about . If you have any issues, please contact me via email
Book Week in Week 7 (August 23-27)
2021 Book week theme is ‘Old world,New world, Other Worlds.
On Wednesday 25 August students will be invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book or a book related to the theme. We encourage all parents and carers to have a conversation with your child about appropriate costumes for Book Week. We recommend that students dress up in a costume from a book that they have read or are already familiar with.
Keep on reading!!!
Georgina Jaram and Catherine Parmenter
Teacher Librarian
Spring is in the air, the kids are loving the time spent outdoors. I captured these pictures during break times with the help of my artistic director, Josie.

Community News
Coming soon: Just a little teaser of some of our upcoming DCO events |
September Women's Health Week events - Day & evening events Step into Spring @ Floriade My Dad & me: Build a Bear October Dogs Day Out Coffee & Conversation For more information email |
Defence Families Australia |
Defence Families Australia advocates for current serving ADF families, advising Government and Defence on issues facing our ADF community. Our aim is to reduce the negative impacts of military service on ADF families, and to support the positive aspects of this unique Defence lifestyle. If you would like to get in touch please email |
Sally Adams
Defence School Mentor
Without the support of the volunteers, the canteen would not be able to function. I would love to see some new faces. If anyone is free, even for a hour or two please don’t hesitate to pop in or email
Regards Katie Jenkin
Canteen Manager